阿卡索吧 关注:12,239贴子:62,480
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1. unfortunately: use this to show that you wish something had not happened, or you wish something was not true
There's nothing I can do about it, unfortunately. (很遗憾,这件事我帮不上忙。)
Unfortunately, Dr Cole cannot spend as long with each patient as she would like. (很遗憾,科尔医生实在没法给每个病人都花很长时间看诊。)
We took some fantastic photos, but unfortunately the film got damaged. (我们拍了些很棒的照片,但不幸的是底片坏了。)
2. sadly: unfortunately - use this to talk about events or situations that are very sad
Sadly, this fine old theater was destroyed by fire in 1993. (很遗憾,这个老剧院1993年毁于大火。)
Alice was rushed to hospital, but sadly she died two hours later. (爱丽丝被紧急送往医院,但是很遗憾,两个小时后她还是离开了人世。)
3. it's a pity/shame: say this to show that you feel disappointed or sad about something that has happened
备注:''it's a pity/shame''常用于口语中。
It's a pity about the weather—it was so nice yesterday. (天气不好真令人扫兴,昨天天气还很好的。)
it's a pity/shame (that)
It's a shame you can't come with us. (很遗憾你不能跟我们一起去。)
what a pity/shame! (=say this to show that you feel sad or sympathetic about something)
"Jane didn't get that job." "Oh, what a pity!"(-简没有聘上那份工作。 -啊,太遗憾了。)
a real/terrible shame
They've cut down all those beautiful trees. It's a terrible shame. (他们把那些好看的树都砍了,真是太可惜了。)
4. it's sad: use this to show that you feel upset about something sad that has happened, and you wish the situation was different
备注:''it's sad''常用于口语中。
it's sad (that)
It's so sad that your father can't be here to see this. (很遗憾令尊不能亲眼看到这些。)
it's sad when
It's sad when a marriage breaks up, especially after all those years. (婚姻破裂总是很让人遗憾,尤其是一场维持了很多年的婚姻。)
it's very/terribly sad
The town center is dying, and most of the shops have closed down. It's terribly sad. (市中心没落,大多数店面都已关门大吉。这太遗憾了。)
5. too bad: use this to say you are disappointed or sad that someone could not do something, or something could not happen
备注:''too bad''常用于美式英语中。
"Senator Volk's out of town." "Too bad! I wanted to meet him and talk about the campaign."(-沃克议员出城去了。 -这真不巧,我想和他讨论一下竞选事宜。)
too bad (that)
Too bad Dick isn't here to enjoy the fun. (太遗憾了,迪克不在这里,不能一起玩。)
It's too bad you have to leave, just when we need you most. (太遗憾了,在我们最需要你的时候,你要离开。)
6. it's unfortunate: say this when something causes disappointment, suffering or is inconvenient etc
备注:''it's unfortunate''常用于口语中。
The wedding was lovely. It was just unfortunate about the rain. (这个婚礼办得很好,就是那天下雨比较让人遗憾。)
it's unfortunate (that)
It's unfortunate that you have to travel so far to work. (你要走这么远去上班,我很同情你。)
7. more's the pity: say this when you wish that the fact that you have just mentioned was not true
备注:''more's the pity''常用于英式英语的口语中。
Now I'm too old to fall in love, more's the pity. (我现在年纪太大谈不动恋爱了,哎,真不想承认这点。)
I'm afraid this car doesn't belong to me, more's the pity. (这恐怕不是我的车,哎!)

1楼2015-01-21 18:53回复