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1. embarrassed: feeling uncomfortable or shy and worrying about what people think of you, for example because you have made a stupid mistake or because you have to talk about your feelings, about sex etc
Tony spilled red wine all over their carpet. He was so embarrassed! (托尼不慎把红酒撒到他们家地毯上都是,感到非常尴尬。)
The teachers are supposed to teach us about 'safe sex', but most of them are too embarrassed. (老师本来要教我们有关“安全性行为”的知识,但大部分老师自己都羞得难以启齿。)
get/feel embarrassed
Kids get embarrassed if their Mums kiss them in front of their friends. (如果妈妈当着其他小朋友们的面亲吻自己的孩子,孩子会觉得尴尬。)
embarrassed about
I got very drunk at the party, and I feel really embarrassed about it. (我在派对上喝得烂醉,对此我感到很尴尬。)
embarrassed by/at
Marlon was always embarrassed by his lack of education. (马龙教育程度低,为此他常常觉得很不好意思。)
2. self-conscious: shy and embarrassed about your body, or about the way you look or talk
feel self-conscious
I always feel really self-conscious in a bikini. (一直以来,我穿比基尼都会觉得很不好意思。)
self-conscious about
Teenagers are often very self-conscious about their appearance. (青少年通常很在意自己的外貌。)
3. uncomfortable: feeling embarrassed because you cannot relax with the people around you
All this talk about love and romance was making me uncomfortable. (这样讨论情爱让我觉得很不自在。)
feel uncomfortable
Jim always felt uncomfortable on such formal occasions. (到了这种正式场合,吉姆常感到不自在。)
an uncomfortable silence(沉默中充满尴尬气氛)
4. awkward: feeling so shy, nervous, and embarrassed that you cannot behave in a natural way
feel awkward
I didn't know anyone at the party, and I felt really awkward at first. (派对上我谁都不认识,一开始觉得很不自在。)
an awkward moment/silence etc (=when you or other people feel awkward)
For one awkward moment I thought I had said something terribly wrong. (为了打破尴尬,我说了些实在不该说的话。)
Carrie laughed out loud, and there was an awkward silence. (凯瑞大笑起来,接着一片沉默,大家都尴尬起来。)
5. sheepish: looking or feeling a little embarrassed because you feel guilty about something
He gave her a sheepish look and said, "I'm very sorry, I forgot it was your birthday."(他不好意思地说,“抱歉,我忘了今天是你生日。”)
Debbie arrived late for work looking a bit sheepish. (德比上班迟到了,有点不好意思。)
6. I could have died/I almost died: spoken say this when you are telling someone about a time when you felt extremely embarrassed
备注:''I could have died/I almost died''常用于口语中。
When I realized that Sally had heard every word I said about her, I could have died. (我得知莎莉已经知道我在背后怎么说她,我恨不得找个地洞钻进去。)
7. egg on your face: if someone, especially someone in authority has egg on their face, they have done something wrong or embarrassing in a way that makes them look stupid
Don't underestimate this club or you'll be left with egg on your face. I've got one of the best squads ever in the Premier League.
The government ended up with egg on its face when it was found to have withheld documents for political purposes. (政府因为政治原因扣留文件不发,最后自己弄得很难堪。)

1楼2015-01-21 18:54回复