人家说,每个男人都会遇到自己的红玫瑰和白玫瑰。 我想,每个女人也都会遇上自己的机车男孩和汽车男人。 很多女孩都会爱上开机车的男孩,但是她们中的大多数最后还是嫁给了开汽车的男人。 年轻的时候,看到男生帅气的骑着机车 ,拉风的从自己身边呼啸而过,一颗心就好像裙摆也被那一阵风轻轻带起。 然后开始幻想有一天也会坐在他机车的后座,头贴在他温暖的背,在呼啸的风声里听着他坚定的心跳。 后来真的坐上去,却发现戴着头盔其实很不方便,最重要的是冬天会冷的想骂人,于是开始羡慕那些可以优雅地坐在男朋友的汽车里,偶尔对着照后镜补个妆的女人。 某一天,开车的男人出现在身边,微笑着风度翩翩地拉开车门,她就满心欢喜得坐上去,之后发现汽车真的比机车舒服太多了。温暖的背?坚定的心跳?她或许永远不会再想起,理所当然的就好像她从来不曾渴望过。 They say, every man will meet their red and white roses. I think, every woman will also meet the locomotive and car own man boy. A lot of girls will love car boot boy, but most of them finally married the car man. When I was young, handsome to see a boy riding a motorcycle, the wind from their own side of the past, a heart just like the skirt was that a gust of wind gently with. And then began to dream of the back seat would sit in his locomotive day, head in his warm back, in the roar of the wind and listen to his strong heartbeat. Then it sat down, but found that wearing a helmet is very convenient, the most important is the winter w