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from weibo 确认:“宇宙原初引力波”是尘埃干扰!


Breaking News!【确认:“宇宙原初引力波”是尘埃干扰!】1月30日,南极BICEP2望远镜与普朗克卫星确认,去年3月BICEP2发现的信号并非来自于宇宙原初引力波,而是银河系星际尘埃的干扰。中文报道:http://t.cn/RZDmg76《自然》新闻报道:http://t.cn/RZDmsG0

IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-02-02 18:30回复

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-02-02 18:30
      A team of astronomers that last year reported evidence for gravitational waves from the early Universe has now withdrawn the claim. A joint analysis of data recorded by the team's South Pole telescope and by the European spacecraft Planck has revealed that the signal can be entirely attributed to dust in the Milky Way rather than having a more ancient, cosmic origin.
      Nature special: Waves from the Big Bang
      The European Space Agency (ESA) announced the long-awaited results on 30 January, a day after a summary of it had been unintentionally posted online by French members of the Planck team and then widely circulated before it was taken down.
      The March finding was released by researchers using a radio telescope at the South Pole called BICEP2. It had hinged on finding a curlicue pattern in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background, the Big Bang's relic radiation. The team attributed the pattern to gravitational waves — ripples in space-time — generated during the earliest moment of the Universe when cosmologists believe the cosmos underwent a brief but tumultuous episode of expansion known as inflation. If detected, the primordial waves would confirm the highly successful but unproven theory of inflation.
      But dust in the Milky Way also emits polarized light that can have the same curlicue pattern imprinted on it. Astronomers have suggested several times over the past year that the BICEP2 team had been fooled by that galactic signal (see 'Full-Galaxy dust map muddles search for gravitational waves'). The Planck-BICEP2 analysis confirms that BICEP2 cannot claim to have seen evidence of primordial gravitational waves.
      In the joint analysis, the researchers overlaid data recorded by the BICEP2 telescope at a frequency of 150 gigahertz with data recorded from the same patch of sky by Planck at 353 Ghz, a frequency at which virtually all the polarized light comes from dust. (Planck also records polarization signals at lower frequencies). The two data sets proved a match — the region in which BICEP2 found its strongest signal is the same place that the Planck dust signal is strongest, indicating that the BICEP2 signal is due almost entirely to dust.
      “This joint work has shown that the detection of primordial B-modes is no longer robust once the emission from Galactic dust is removed,” says Planck astronomer Jean-Loup Puget of the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay in the ESA press release. “So, unfortunately, we have not been able to confirm that the signal is an imprint of cosmic inflation.”
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      “I no longer believe that BICEP2 detected the signal of’ gravitational waves,” says cosmologist Marc Kamionkowski of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, who is not a member of either team.
      Planck researcher George Efstathiou of the University of Cambridge, UK, says that the conclusion is no surprise. “I don’t know why people are so excited,”he says. “There’s nothing dramatic here form the science point of view.”
      Efstathiou characterized the 29 January leak as both “unfortunate” and “careless”. “The BICEP people felt that they had not handled the publicity right the first time” and that everyone was eager to make public the joint analysis in a more cautious manner.
      Cosmologist Raphael Flauger of the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who was among the first researchers to put the BICEP2 findings into question, concurs with that view. “It is somewhat unfortunate that such an eagerly awaited result was presented to the public in this way,” he notes. He declined to discuss the details of the joint analysis, since the paper was not yet available, but he noted that “what is clear from these plots is that the levels of dust were underestimated in the BICEP2 results presented in March, in agreement with what was said in our paper” (see 'Gravitational wave discovery faces scrutiny').
      “When we first detected this signal in our data, we relied on models for Galactic dust emission that were available at the time,” says John Kovac, a principal investigator of BICEP2 at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusett, in the ESA press release. “These seemed to indicate that the region of the sky chosen for our observations had dust polarisation much lower than the detected signal.”
      The findings do not mean that it is impossible to find evidence of gravitational waves in the microwave backgrounnd — only that BICEP2 could not conclusively detect a signal amid the galactic noise.
      “There is a clear path forward,” says Kamionkowski. “If we do more measurements of this type at multiple frequencies, we will be able to separate out the dust signal from the [primordial] signal precisely” and do a more thorough search for gravitational waves.

      IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-02-02 19:02

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2015-02-02 19:12

          来自手机贴吧5楼2015-02-02 19:30

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2015-02-02 19:34

              IP属地:上海来自手机贴吧7楼2015-02-02 19:58

                IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧9楼2015-02-02 20:54
                  thats disappointing!

                  IP属地:德国10楼2015-02-02 21:04
                    有趣的事,文中提到, Marc Kamionkowski 不再相信此结果了。

                    IP属地:德国11楼2015-02-02 21:11

                      来自手机贴吧12楼2015-02-02 21:20

                        IP属地:中国香港13楼2015-02-02 22:22

                          IP属地:天津14楼2015-02-03 15:22

                            IP属地:俄罗斯15楼2015-02-03 16:31

                              IP属地:广西来自手机贴吧17楼2015-02-03 19:48