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……我跪了 好好看QAQ 忍不住搬到这里来了。
属性非常鬼畜。谨慎观看 游戏王一生推!!顺便报道
Yu-Gi-Oh Rated: M, English, Romance & Humor, Yūgi M., Yami Yūgi, Words: 4k+, Favs: 121, Follows: 44, Published: May 4, 2012 Updated: Dec 14, 2012
Chapter 1: Shower Heat
'Innocent? Ha!' Yugi thought to himself as he glanced at his Darkness. 'If my friends could read my thoughts they wouldn't call me Innocent Little Yugi. Ra, no.'
Yugi watched through lust hazed eyes as Yami bent down to retreave a pencil Yugi had left on the floor.
'You'd think he was trying to tempt me on perpose.' Yugi thought as he watched that leather covered arse sway slightly as Yami straightened up. Yugi was thankful that he had blocked up the link between their minds when he realized how he felt about his darker half.
"Yugi, don't leave things lying around." Yami scowled, only half serious.
"Yes, your Majesty." Yugi said sarcastically with a grin before looking away so that the once king wouldn't see the lust clouding the young one's eyes. "Now, go shower. I've already had one and it's not like Grandpa can hog it from all the way in Egypt."
Yami laughed. "Alright, aibou." He said and vanished into the bathroom.
Yugi let out a relieved sigh and rolled onto his back. His erection was fairly hard now. He lay there quietly, contemplating on whether or not to do something about his 'problem'.
Then he heard a low moan from the bathroom.
At first, Yugi couldn't be sure he'd heard it because of the noise of the shower but then he heard it again.
He got off his bed, opened the bathroom door slightly and muffled a gasp at the image that greeted him.
Yami was stood in the shower, pleasuring himself with his own hand and moaning "Yugi . . . Yugi. . ."
Unable to controll himself, Yugi pulled off his top, went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower, shocking one very erect Pharaoh.
"Yugi, what. . ."
"I heard." Yugi said removing the elder's hands from his erection.
"Yugi, I. . ."
"I know." Yugi said pressing Yami against the tiled wall before pressing himself against Yami. "You were calling my name. I heard."
"I'm sorry, I just. . ."
"I know, Atemu." Yugi said running his hand down Yami's naked torso.
"Yugi. . ."
"I know what you want." Yugi said huskily and he gently stroked Yami's length.
"Yugi. . ." This sounded more like plea.
"I know what you need." Yugi said as he began to slowly fist the Pharaoh.
"Ra, Yugi. . ." Yami moaned.
Yugi went on tiptoes and nipped Yami's ear. "Do you want me to continue with my hand or should I use. . .my mouth?" Yugi whispered and attacked Yami's neck with open mouth kisses and gentle nips.
Yami could only groan and beg Ra silently to '. . .not let this be another wet dream. . .'
"Mouth it is." Yugi said before trailing the kisses away from the ancient King's neck and down his chest, stomach and. . .
"YUGI!" Yami exclaimed as Yugi took his Darkness's cock into his mouth. The younger sucked, licked and deep throated the elder until he had the elder completely at his mercy and spilling over the edge with his name on the elder's lips.
Yugi staightened up and pulled the elder into a kiss, his tongue easily gained access into that delicious mouth of his dark's. "Pharaoh." Yugi whispered in Yami's ear. "I want you inside me."
Yami's breath caught in his throat.
The next thing either of them knew, they were out of the shower, drying each other off with towels and they were kissing clumsily while ripping off Yugi's soaked trousers.
They stumbled across Yugi's bed room and only just made it to the bed. "Yugi. . ." Yami moaned as the wall blocking their link fell away and desire flooded though.
"Devour me, Pharaoh." Yugi begged. "Ravish me, fuck me!"
Yami was only too happy to comply but first he needed. . .
"Lube's in the top draw." Yugi told him.
Yami stared down at his soon-to-be lover. "How long have you been planning this?" He asked as he grabbed the lube.
"I haven't." Yugi said. "I didn't think you'd ever want to."
"Of course I want to." Yami said rolling his eyes. Then he pinched his lips together. "This will be uncomfortable for you."
"I know."
"And painful."
"I know."
"And. . ."
"Oh, just fuck me already."
Yami grinned and squeezed a bit of lube on his fingers. He attacked Yugi's mouth as he gently slid a finger inside the younger.
Yugi forced himself to relax and Yami added another finger, stretching the young one's entrance. Then Yami's fingers brushed against Yugi's prostate and the young one let out a cry that was filled purely with pleasure.
Yami did it again before removing his fingers and positioning himself at Yugi's entrance. "This will hurt."
"Just. . .do it." Yugi said and Yami thrust himself in. When he was all the way in, he held still until Yugi gave him permission to move. "Yami. . .if you don't move now, I'll walk out and leave you to. . .YAMI!"
The Pharaoh had pulled out and rammed himself back in, hitting Yugi's prostate in the prossess.
"Ra, Yugi. . ." Yami moaned. ". . .You're . . .so tight."
Yugi wrapped his legs aroung Yami's waist and held onto the tops of Yami's arms, bruising the skin.
Soon, Yami could feel his release coming so he reached between their sweaty bodies and began to pump Yugi into completion. Yugi came screaming 'Atemu' and Yami came soon after.
They lay together, tangled in a hot, sweaty mass.
"Um, Yugi?" Yami said.
"I think we need another shower."
They laughed together feeling content.
"Yugi?" Yami said when they calmed down.
"Yes, Pharaoh?"
"I love you."
Yugi looked at Yami. "Atemu?"
"Yes, Yugi?"
"I love you too."
Their mouths met once again and they shared a sweet, adoring kiss that told of passion, lust and love.
Just a little one shot I wrote in the middle of RE on my phone.
I got bored.
Hope you like
Your desturbing little secret

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