We pray for our fathers,
pray for our mothersWishing our families wellWe sing songs for the wishing,
of those who are kissingBut not for the missingSo this one's for all the lost childrenThis one's for all the lost childrenThis one's for all the lost children,
wishing them wellAnd wishing them homeWhen you sit there addressing,
counting your blessingsBiding your timeWhen you lay me down sleeping and my heart is weepingBecause I'm keeping a placeFor all the lost childrenThis is for all the lost childrenThis one's for all the lost children,
wishing them wellAnd wishing them homeHome with their fathers,
Snug close and warm, loving their mothersI see the door simply wide openBut no one can find theeSo pray for all the lost childrenLet's pray for all the lost childrenJust think of all the lost children,
wishing them wellThis is for all the lost childrenThis one's for all the lost childrenJust think of all the lost childrenWishing them well, and wishing them home
The Lost Children - Michael Jackson