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《超能特战队》Tadashi is here


本人对哥哥泰迪领便当抱有极度不满,个人希望为他描绘一次美好的未来,但性向不确定,鉴于不知何处听来在Big Hero 7中,可能回归,所以我想自己延续属于哥哥的温柔。

IP属地:天津1楼2015-03-28 11:19回复
    超能陆战队不负责任的“脑洞”续集:小宏的哥哥阿正或许将复活 与大白重聚

    IP属地:天津3楼2015-03-28 11:22
      如有语法问题,烦请指出,本人英语不佳 ,缺少练习。

      IP属地:天津来自Android客户端6楼2015-03-28 15:05
        Page 1
        "Tadashi, don't!" Hiro control hard waved his arms, sobbing.
        Baymax standed at the foot of the bed.Since Hiro knew Tadashi would not to appear again,this clever child had displayed a lonely and sad face,clench the heart of the owner.
        “Don't be crying,boy.”Baymax cotton candy hand on Hiro's forehead,careful scanning.
        He is a robot,even was implanted more than 1000 medical procedures by Tadashi,he is also not clear how to treat psychic trauma.When Hiro crying repeating "Tadashi's gone" to him.He could only repeat the "Tadashi is there".In fact,no one is willing to believe that Tadashi was dead,they are more reluctant to believe,he is still alive,just temporarily disappear in that big fire.Much like Callaghan,fool everyone.

        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端9楼2015-03-28 19:12
          But Hiro is more inclined to practise,he decided to let Tadashi come back.
          Hiro has been testing , He in working for a few days before tinkering with machines . He please Baymax Tadashi part has carried on the replication of the chip , and even to ask friends with data record with his brother , bit by bit from the acquaintance to the cooperation of the university of the early to complete a series of experiments , has also is a college student Hiro , attempt to use the bionic machine rebuild once life .

          IP属地:天津来自Android客户端10楼2015-03-28 19:13
            page 2
            " You need to have a rest . You have not sleep many hours , this will seriously affect your judgment . " . Baymax trying to dissuade Hiro from the workbench , after all , He has been a long time not to contact friends .
            Hiro didn't look up , his eyes were staring in the electronic the progress bar of / to the desktop , " soon , soon , and then wait . By the way , I let you copy is fixed , Buddy. "
            Baymax nodded , then pulled out a blue chip , like the sea , deep . Chip with Hiro Hamada , Hiro fetched a sticker , write the Tadashi's name . " Tadashi , come back to me . " . With is going to drop down of tears , Hiro slightly KuQiang whispers .
            " Hiro , there is one thing , I think you should know . " . Aunt Cass stood in the doorway , for Hiro said , " people die , cannot be resurrected , Tadashi had gone " .

            IP属地:天津来自Android客户端11楼2015-03-29 17:18
              Maybe , Hiro thought , avoiding the eyes . But he will stick to it , because it is fast , Tadashi came back quickly .
              A day later , Hiro standing in the dark in the laboratory .
              Baymax followed after , his early in the database is Hiro implanted in / into a new set of monitoring system , machine maintenance and data . Just for the sake of his relationship of / to / between Tadashi , Baymax thought . They lay the table in front of a simulation , naked body , lay silent . Hope Tadashi can come back .
              Baymax thinks / thought so too , after all is Tadshi produced for him , to his life .

              IP属地:天津来自Android客户端12楼2015-03-29 17:19
                page 3
                Hiro connecting the last line , He quietly looked at the display , hand is involuntary . He tried to calm his mood , but he can't do .
                " Tadaahi , You can hear me ? " . He carefully inquired , as the old Tadashi face the Baymax for the first time , " Wake up , Tadashi , hurry up wake up ! I need you . "
                Noise , " hum , " a current robot opened his height simulation eyelid , showing a pair of gentle eyes . He smiled and looked at the Hiro , It seems that in the analysis , and in the memory .
                " Good morning , Hiro. "
                Hiro's friends are not the first time to enter the house , however , is the first time , looked at him with a shocking.Machine Tadashi sits / sat down at a table , rubbing his Hiro black hair with a smile .

                IP属地:天津来自Android客户端13楼2015-03-31 19:22
                  Fred is the hardest to stay sane person, he eagerly jumped up and embrace the Tadashi: "hey, guys, you come back?"
                  "Is temporary, although I don't know what happened." Tadashi said, spoil looking at Hiro, and Hiro also smile of looking at him, line is then Go Go Tomago to one side.
                  Honey Lemon first to ask: "What's the matter, how do you do that! It's amazing!"
                  Go Go Tomago rospit chewing gum, stick on the side, a serious question: "what's going on?"
                  "Remember I am the data?" Macro smiled, "I used it to bring back the teddy."
                  "It seems that we need a reasonable explanation." Wasabi-No-Ginger said.

                  IP属地:天津来自Android客户端14楼2015-03-31 19:23
                    "No is big hero, but that's just... a group of scientific genius." The boy walked out from the dark, looks clear gradually.
                    "Do you remember who you are?"
                    "Tadashi, Tadashi Hamada..." The boy had the same face with the robot, watching the striplings went a long way,from a distance.
                    “泰迪,Tadashi Damaha……”男孩长着与机器泰迪一样的容貌,远远的看着远去的年轻人。

                    IP属地:天津来自Android客户端22楼2015-04-02 20:11
                      Life is like a play , the cycle .
                      Hrio clearly realized that , In the early morning , He received a card , It was signed Tadashi " loves / loved you " , He is delighted to push the screen of / for the room , machine Tadashi kids jumping on the bed , and kissed his cheeks .
                      Machine Tadashi sleeping better and quietly , corners of the shallow smile , like a deja Vu .
                      Hrio sitting on a side , careful to read .
                      " To my favorite macros , today is your birthday , I'm glad I don't seem to miss , give me your every growth surprise . Love your Tadashi . " .
                      Otherwise a note card , write three years ago today , the Hrio that he think about it , Tadashi almost didn't come back is dinner that day was to send his greeting CARDS .

                      IP属地:天津来自Android客户端23楼2015-04-09 19:14
                        Hrio smile , fingers across each one character at a time , that is a pen to write down a dash of Tadashi , Is full of his memories .
                        Current " Pyrazole ~ " sound , the machine Tadashi opened my eyes , quietly looking at the Hrio , his full mechanization movement in a program .
                        " Macro , go downstairs and have my breakfast . " Aunt Cass said the aunt downstairs , words carry a surprise .
                        " Come . " Hrio lift eye , Tadashi smiling face on the machine , happy smile .

                        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端24楼2015-04-09 19:14