指环王电影吧 关注:77贴子:198
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指环王第一部 电影剧本



IP属地:四川1楼2015-04-30 22:02回复
    Very Old Friend/老朋友
    [Outside BagEnd, Gandalf stops his cart.]
    Gandalf:"Whoa, whoa."
    [He getsdown and goes through the gate which bears a sign saying: 'No admittance excepton party business.']
    [Gandalfknocks on the door with his staff.]
    Bilbo:"No thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distantrelations!"
    Gandalf:"And what about very old friends?"
    [Bilbo opensthe door.]
    Bilbo(amazed): "Gandalf?"
    Gandalf:"Bilbo Baggins!"
    Bilbo:"My dear Gandalf!" [gives Gandalf a hug]
    Gandalf:"Good to see you! One hundred and eleven years old — who would believe it?You haven't aged a day."
    [Bilbo andGandalf laugh as Bilbo bids Gandalf inside.]
    Bilbo:"Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome! Oh, here we are."
    Bilbo:"Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger?
    Bilbo: "I'vegot a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. Twelve ninety-six — very good year.Almost as old as I am! Hahaha!"
    [Bilbo hangsup Gandalf's hat and disappears down the corridor on his hunt forrefreshments.]
    Bilbo:"It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?"
    Gandalf:"Just tea, thank you."
    [Gandalf,bent double, backs into the chandelier. He steadies it, but then bumps his headonto the beam and utters an "Ooooff".]
    [Nursing thepain he enters Bilbo's study and sees the map of the Lonely Mountain mounted ona frame. He picks it up to examine it.]
    [Meanwhile,Bilbo is pottering around in the kitchen.]
    Bilbo:"I was expecting you sometime last week! Not that it matters, you come andgo as you please. Always have done and always will. You caught me a bitunprepared, I'm afraid. We've only got cold chicken and a bit of pickle… Oh,there's some cheese here — oh no, that won't do. Err, we got raspberry jam andan apple tart… Not much for afters, I'm afraid. Oh, no — we're all right! I'vefound some sponge-cake. I could make you some eggs if you like — oh.Gandalf?"
    Gandalf:"Just tea, thank you."
    Bilbo:"Oh, right!" [with mouthful of sponge-cake] "You don't mind if Ieat, do you?"
    Gandalf:"Oh no, not at all."
    [Gandalfsits down on a chair just inside the kitchen entrance. There is a knocking onthe door and a woman shouting: "Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!"]
    Bilbo:[whispers] "I'm not at home!"
    [He tiptoesup to the front window and peers out to identify the unwanted visitor.]
    Bilbo:"It's the Sackville-Bagginses!"
    Sackville-Baggins(outside): "I know you're in there!"
    Bilbo:"They're after the house. They've never forgiven me for living thislong!"
    [Still withhis sponge-cake, Bilbo disappears into the kitchen.]
    Bilbo:"I've got to get away from these confounded relatives hanging on the bellall day, never giving me a moment's peace!"
    [Bilbo putsdown his cake and stares out his window while Gandalf tries to make himselfcomfortable at Bilbo's hobbit-sized table.]
    Bilbo:"I want to see mountains again, mountains Gandalf! And then find somewherequiet where I can finish my book. Oh, tea!" (He hurries to prepare thetea.)
    Gandalf:"So, you mean to go through with your plan, then."
    Bilbo:"Yes, yes. It's all in hand. All the arrangements are made."
    [Gandalflifts up the lid of a tea pot, Bilbo starts to pour water into it.]
    Bilbo:"Oh, thank you."
    Gandalf:"Frodo suspects something."
    Bilbo:"'Course he does. He's a Baggins! Not some block-headed Bracegirdle fromHardbottle."
    Gandalf:"You will tell him, won't you?"
    Bilbo:"Yes, yes."
    Gandalf:"He's very fond of you."
    Bilbo:"I know. He'd probably come with me if I asked him." (chuckles)"I think, in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire: the woods,the fields… little rivers."
    Bilbo:"I'm old, Gandalf. I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it inmy heart."
    [Gandalf'sgaze is drawn downwards to Bilbo's waistcoat pocket as the Hobbit's fingersbegins to fidget with something inside it.]
    Bilbo:"I feel thin — sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too muchbread."
    [Bilbo sitsdown wearily at the table.]
    Bilbo:"I need a holiday — a very long holiday — and I don't expect I shallreturn. In fact, I mean not to!"
    [Eveningfalls on Hobbiton. Bilbo and Gandalf sit peacefully smoking pipe outside BagEnd. Below them, in the party field, sounds of laughter and revelry float upfrom a growing crowd of Hobbits preparing for their evening's entertainment.Torches and candles light a festive scene and everywhere food is rapidly filling up the space on wooden trestles.]
    Bilbo:"Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing."
    [Bilbo blowsa large ring of smoke which hangs gently in the still air. Gandalf sucks hischeeks in and out, blows a majestic, full-rigged ship that he blows through the ring.]
    Bilbo:"Ahh! Gandalf, my old friend. This will be a night to remember!"

    IP属地:四川4楼2015-05-19 22:49
      The Shadow of the past/过去的黯影
      [Frodo andGandalf sit down in the kitchen with tea. The Ring lies on the table betweenthem.]
      Gandalf:"This is the One Ring. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires ofMount Doom. Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself."
      Frodo:"Bilbo found it. In Gollum's cave."
      Gandalf:"Yes. For sixty years the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonginghis life, delaying old age. But no longer Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor.The Ring has awoken. It's heard its master's call."
      Frodo:"But he was destroyed! Sauron was destroyed."
      [The Ringwhispers softly in the Black Speech. Alarmed, both Frodo and Gandalf stare atit.]
      Gandalf:"No, Frodo. The spirit of Sauron endured. His life force is bound to theRing, and the Ring survived. Sauron has returned. His Orcs have multiplied. Hisfortress at Barad-Dûr is rebuilt in the land of Mordor. Sauron needs only thisRing to cover all the lands of a second darkness."
      Gandalf:"He is seeking it, seeking it — all his thought is bent on it. The Ringyearns above all else to return to the hand of its master. They are one, theRing and the Dark Lord. Frodo, he must never find it."
      [Frodostands up and grabs the Ring. He walks down the corridor.]
      Frodo:"All right, we put it away. We keep it hidden. We never speak of it again.No one knows it's here, do they? Do they Gandalf?"
      Gandalf:"There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the Ring. I looked everywherefor the creature Gollum. But the enemy found him first."
      [In thechambers of Barad-Dûr, Gollum's tortured body writhes.]
      Gandalf:"I don't know how long they tortured him. But amidst the endless screamsand inane babble, they discerned two words…"
      Gollum(shrieking): "Shire! Baggins!"
      Frodo:"Shire. Baggins. But that would lead them here!"
      [Two BlackRiders thunder down a moonlit road. A Hobbit holds up his lantern at the soundof the approaching horses.]
      Hobbit:"Who goes there?"
      [One of theRiders brings down his sword and scythes it directly at the Hobbit.]
      [Back at BagEnd, Frodo holds out the Ring to Gandalf.]
      Frodo:"Take it Gandalf! Take it!"
      Gandalf:"No, Frodo."
      Frodo:"You must take it!"
      Gandalf:"You cannot offer me this Ring!"
      Frodo:"I'm giving it to you!"
      Gandalf:"Don't tempt me Frodo! I dare not take it. Not even to keep itsafe. Understand Frodo, I would use this Ring from a desire to do good. But throughme, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine."
      Frodo:"But it cannot stay in the Shire!"
      Gandalf:"No! No, it can't."
      [Frodocloses the Ring inside his palm and looks up at Gandalf.]
      Frodo:"What must I do?"
      [Frodoflings items into his backpack to prepare for his journey.]
      Gandalf:"You must leave, and leave quickly."
      Frodo:"Where? Where do I go?"
      Gandalf:"Get out of the Shire. Make for the village Bree."
      [He throws aneatly-rolled up shirt to Frodo. Frodo grabs it, unrolling the bundle in theprocess, and stuffs it into his bag, along with some food.]
      Frodo:"Bree. What about you?"
      Gandalf:"I'll be waiting for you, at the Inn of the Prancing Pony."
      Frodo:"And the Ring will be safe there?"
      Gandalf:"I don't know Frodo. I don't have any answers. I must see the head of myorder. He is both wise and powerful. Trust me Frodo, he'll know what todo."
      Gandalf:"You'll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you, for that name is notsafe outside the Shire."
      [He helpsFrodo into his cloak.]
      Gandalf:"Travel only by day. And stay off the road."
      [Frodo isready. He smiles at Gandalf.]
      Frodo:"I can cut across country easily enough."
      Gandalf:"My dear Frodo. Hobbits really are amazing creatures! You can learn allthat there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundredyears, they can still surprise you."
      Gandalf:[hears rustling of the leaves] "Get down!"
      [Frodo dropsto the floor. Gandalf goes to the window, peers out cautiously then gives thebushes a whack with his staff.]
      [An"oofff!" is heard from the object of the whack. Gandalf drags theoffender up by his hair and plops him onto the table.]
      Gandalf:"Confound it all Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping?!"
      Sam: "Ihaven't dropped no eaves sir, honest. I was just cutting the grass under thewindow there, if you follow me."
      Gandalf:"A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?"
      Sam: "Iheard raised voices."
      Gandalf:"What did you hear? Speak!"
      Sam:"N-n-n-nothing important. That is I heard a good deal about a Ring and aDark Lord and something about the end of the world but… Please, Mister Gandalfsir, don't hurt me. Don't turn me into anythin' — unnatural."
      Gandalf:"Noooo?" [He turns a conspiratorial gaze upon Frodo.] "Perhapsnot. I have thought of a better use for you…"

      IP属地:四川8楼2015-05-19 23:07
        The Passing of the Elves/ 精灵走过
        [Early dawnon the following morning, Gandalf, Frodo and Sam make their way along the road.Sam, encumbered with pots and pans, puffs along behind Gandalf's horse.]
        Gandalf:"Come along Samwise, keep up!"
        [They entera more heavily forested area and some dense undergrowth.]
        Gandalf:"Be careful both of you. The enemy has many spies in his service: birds,beasts." [turns to Frodo] "Is it safe?"
        [Frodo patshis vest pocket.]
        Gandalf:"Never put it on, for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to itspower."
        Gandalf:"Always remember, Frodo, the Ring is trying to get back to its master. Itwants to be found."
        [Gandalfrides off, leaving Frodo and Sam in the forest. They stare at each other.Eventually Frodo sighs, takes up his stick and continues on their journey. Samfollows.]
        [Frodo andSam trek along the countryside, making their way across streams, over hills andthrough meadows.]
        [Eventuallythey find themselves before a cornfield. Frodo walks through the corn. Samfollowing behind, stops besides a large scarecrow.]
        Sam:"This is it."
        Frodo:"This is what?"
        Sam:"If take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've everbeen."
        Frodo:"Come on Sam. Remember what Bilbo used to say: 'It's a dangerousbusiness…' [Bilbo's voice] '…Frodo, going out your door. You step onto theroad, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might beswept off to.'"
        [Frodo andSam set up camp for the night. Sam cooks their meal of bacon, tomatoes andsausages as Frodo lies in a tree limb. Suddenly they both stop and listen.Singing can be heard in the distance. The voices are sweet and high, singing ina strange language.]
        Frodo:"Sam! Wood-Elves!"
        [They scramble up to a ridge where they can lie and watch unseen.]
        [A group of Elves is passing slowly through theforest, some on horseback, some walking, some with banners. The group seems to shine of its ownlight, their white garments softly glowing against the purples and midnightblues of the woods. Their haunting song continues.]
        "a Galadren i veniar
        hi' aladhremmin ennorath
        A Elbereth Gilthoniel
        ithil nâ thûl, ithil lîn hen"
        (O Light tous that wander here
        Amid the world of woven trees
        O Elbereth Gilthoniel
        Clear are thy eyes and bright thy breath)
        Frodo:"They're going to the harbour beyond the White Towers. To the GreyHavens."
        Sam:"They're leaving Middle-Earth."
        Frodo:"Never to return."
        Sam: "Idon't know why — it makes me sad."
        [Later, Samand Frodo prepare for sleep. Sam is trying to find a comfortable spot on theground.]
        Sam: "EverywhereI lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back."
        Frodo:"Just shut your eyes, and imagine you're back in your own bed, with a softmattress and a lovely feather pillow."
        [Sam giveshim a skeptical look, and settles back. After a moment he sighs. and gives up,frustrated.]
        Sam:"It's not working Mister Frodo. I'm never going to be able to sleep outhere."
        Frodo:"Me neither, Sam."
        [Frodosmiles. Sam stares at the sky and finds something to nibble on.]
        [Mistdescends over the landscape. On a ridge high up above the Hobbits, a horseneighs and stamps. Its Black Rider comes slowly to a halt and surveys thescene.]

        IP属地:四川9楼2015-05-19 23:12
          Rivendell 瑞文戴尔
          Elrond:"Lasto beth nîn. Tolo dan na ngalad." (Hear my voice, come back tothe light.)
          [Frodo islying in a vast bed.]
          Frodo:"Where am I?"
          Gandalf'svoice: "You are in the house of Elrond. And it is ten o'clock in themorning, on October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know."
          [Frodo wakesup.]
          [Gandalf isseated on Frodo's bed, smoking his pipe. The bedroom opens on to a beautifulgarden. The noise of falling water is mixed with bird song. Leaves are gentlyfalling.]
          Gandalf:"Yes… I'm here. And you're lucky to be here, too. A few more hours and youwould have been beyond our aid. But you have some strength in you, my dearhobbit!"
          Frodo:"What happened, Gandalf? Why didn't you meet us?"
          Gandalf:"Oh I'm sorry Frodo… I was delayed."
          [Flashbackto Isengard. On the tower top, Saruman is using his powers to flip Gandalfabout. He then dangles him over the edge of Orthanc.]
          Saruman:"Friendship with Saruman is not lightly thrown aside. One ill turndeserves another. It is over! Embrace the power of the Ring… or embrace yourown destruction!"
          [Gandalflies at full stretch, completely at Saruman's mercy.]
          [A tinywhite moth flutters across between them. Gandalf observes it as Sarumancontinues to taunt him.]
          [Sarumanhurls Gandalf back towards the platform.]
          Gandalf:[slowly raises himself as the shadowy form of an eagle appears in thebackground] "There is only one Lord of the Ring! Only one who can bend itto his will. And he… does… not… share… power!"
          [The eaglescreeches. Gandalf leaps off the Tower of Orthanc and lands on the eagle'sback.]
          Saruman:"So you have chosen… death."
          [Gwaihirflies over the mountains, bearing Gandalf to safety.]
          Frodo:"Gandalf? What is it?"
          Gandalf:"Nothing, Frodo."
          [Sam entersthe room and rushes to Frodo's side, clasping his hand in joy.]
          Sam:"Frodo! Frodo!"
          Sam:"Bless you, you're awake!"
          Gandalf:"Sam has hardly left your side."
          Sam:"We were that worried about you, weren't we Mister Gandalf?"
          Gandalf:"By the skills of Lord Elrond, you're beginning to mend."
          Elrond:[entering the room and smiles down at Frodo] "Welcome to Rivendell, FrodoBaggins."
          [Rivendellsits high above a gorge which is thick with pines and deciduous shrubs.Delicate, lacy waterfalls trace their way down to the river below. A stonebridge spans the chasm as a cloaked rider upon a white horse plods towards thehouse.]
          [In thegardens, Frodo is reunited with his friends.]
          [Frodo spotsa familiar figure sitting on a stone seat, reading from a large Red Book.]
          [Bilbo looksaged and frail. He leans heavily upon a staff as he gets up to greet Frodo.]
          Bilbo:"Hello, Frodo my lad!"
          Frodo:"Bilbo!" [hugs him]
          [Frodo readsaloud from Bilbo's book.]
          Frodo:"'There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins.'" [leafsthrough the book] "This is wonderful!"
          Bilbo:"I meant to go back… wander the paths of Mirkwood… visit Laketown… see theLonely Mountain again. But age it seems, has finally caught up with me."
          [He gives Frodoa sad smile. Frodo stops to look at the map of the Shire.]
          Frodo:"I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhereelse… off with you on one of your adventures! My own adventure turned out to bequite different. I'm not like you, Bilbo."
          Bilbo: [patsFrodo's cheek] "My dear boy."
          [On thebalcony, Sam is trying to pack his bags.]
          Sam (tohimself): "Now what have I forgotten?"
          Frodo:"Packed already?"
          Sam:"No harm in being prepared."
          Frodo:"I thought you wanted to see the Elves, Sam."
          Sam: "Ido!"
          Frodo:"More than anything."
          Sam: "Idid! It's just… we did what Gandalf wanted didn't we? We got the Ring this farto Rivendell and then I thought, seein' as how you're on the mend, we'd be offsoon. Off home."
          Frodo:"You're right Sam. We did what we set out to do." [shows the Ring onhis palm] "The Ring will be safe in Rivendell. I am ready to go home."

          IP属地:四川15楼2015-11-21 06:10
            The Departure of the Fellowship 远征队离开
            A handtraces runes on a pale slab of stone, nestled in the deep forests of Rivendell.'Gilraen', it reads. 'Onen i-Estel Edain, ú-chebin estel anim.' (I gave Hope tothe Dúnedain, I have kept no hope for myself).]
            [The handreaches out, pulling a clump of moss from the grove of a letter, wipingleaf-litter and mud from an edge of the stone, pulling free entwining branchesgathering over the smooth, stony hands of a statue.]
            [Aragorn,kneeling, lifts his head. He gazes into the solemn eyes of the statue, a womanin a cloak and hood. Aragorn touches her face.]
            Elrond:"Anirne hene beriad i chên în. Ned Imladris nauthant e le beriatharaen." (She wanted to protect her child. She thought that in Rivendell youwould be safe.)
            [Elrond appears, walking towards Aragorn through the trees.]
            Elrond:"In her heart, your mother knew you'd be hunted all your life. That you'd never escape your fate."
            Elrond:"The skill of the Elves can reforge the sword of Kings, but only you havethe power to wield it."
            Aragorn:"I do not want that power. I have never wanted it."
            Elrond:"You are the last of that bloodline. There is no other."
            [On abedside table, a hand folds back a homespun cloth to reveal a short sword in ascabbard. Bilbo picks it up and hands it to Frodo.]
            Bilbo:"My old sword, Sting! Here! Take it, take it!"
            [Frodounsheathes the sword and examines it. It rings as Frodo draws it, glinting.]
            Frodo:"It's so light!"
            Bilbo:"Yes… yea — made by the Elves, you know. The blade glows blue when Orcsare close. And it's times like that, my lad, when you have to be extra careful!"
            [Bilbo brings out a mail shirt. It shines, simple, yet beautifully adorned withintricate patterns in the mail.]
            Bilbo:"Here's a pretty thing — Mithril! As light as a feather… and as hard asdragon scales! Let me see you put it on. Come on."
            [Frodobegins to unbutton his shirt. As he does, the Ring is revealed. Bilbo sees it.]
            Bilbo:"Oh… M-my old Ring! Oh, I sh-sh-should very much like… to hold it again,one last time."
            [Bilbo's eyes light up and he wrings his hands, his eyes focused on the Ring. Frodo begins to cover it up. Bilbo smiles faintly in an almost grandfatherly manner.Suddenly, transformed by the power of the Ring, he lashes out. His eyes growround, ringed in purple shadows, his teeth are like yellowed fangs in hismouth, stretched open wide as he utters a strangled cry.]
            [Frodo,startled, backs away, clutching his hand over the Ring. Bilbo returns tonormal. Bilbo's eye show surprise at his transformation. He cowers back, hisvoice strained.]
            Bilbo:"I'm sorry I brought this upon you, my boy… I'm sorry that you must carrythis burden."
            [He sitsdown on the bed, weeping.]
            Bilbo:"I'm sorry for everything!"
            [Frodoplaces a reassuring hand on Bilbo's shoulder. Bilbo reaches back and puts hisown hand on Frodo's. He continues to weep in sorrow.]
            [In a glade beneath an oldstone arch, the Fellowship gathers to bid farewell to Rivendell. Elrond speaksto them, gazing sternly at the faces before him.Frodo stands, listening, slightly apart from the others; leaves flutter to the earth.]
            Elrond:"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you whotravel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will."
            Elrond:"Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men andall free folk go with you."
            [Elrondspreads his arms, and Legolas and Aragorn bow their heads, hands upon hearts.]
            Gandalf:"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer."
            [Frodo,turns and walks forward, uncertainly. Before him, the path winds away to either side.]
            Frodo(whispering softly to Gandalf): "Mordor, Gandalf, is it left orright?"
            [The Fellowship departs beneath an old arch oflichen-encrusted stone. Aragorn remains where he stands, and turns to Arwen.Across the path between them they gaze into one another's eyes. Arwen's face is
            sorrowful;Aragorn smiles faintly, and nods a farewell. He walks out. Arwen breaks off hergaze, looking down.]

            IP属地:四川19楼2015-11-21 06:40
              The Ring Goes South 魔戒南行
              [The Fellowship departs from Rivendell as the sun's rays pierce the valley.]
              [They travel through the woods, over open plains and hillsides.]
              [They pauseon a hill in the wild.]
              Gandalf(voiceover): "We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains forforty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor."
              [Sam cookssausage and other food over a fire, climbing up onto a rock besides Frodo. TheFellowship is resting on an outstretched arm of the mountains.]
              [Boromirspars with Merry and Pippin, tutoring them on sword fighting. He battles withPippin.]
              Boromir (to each move of the sword): "Two, one, five. Good. Very good."
              [Aragornsits nearby, smoking a pipe. He speaks encouragement.]
              Aragorn:"Move your feet."
              Merry:"You look good, Pippin."
              [As the Hobbits spar with Boromir, Gimli approaches Gandalf.]
              Gimli:"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'dsay we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Minesof Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome."
              [Gandalf takes a pipe he was smoking from his mouth. Faint surprise registers in hiseyes.]
              Gandalf:"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no otherchoice."
              [Legolas notices something amiss and looks intently towards the South. Meanwhile,Boromir continues to fight Pippin.]
              Boromir:"Come on. Good."
              [Boromiraccidentally nicks Pippin's hand.]
              [Pippin kicks Boromir on the shin.]
              Merry:"Get Him!"
              [Boromir goes down in a mock battle. Boromir and Aragorn laugh with the Hobbits.]
              Pippin:"For the Shire! Hold him! Hold him down! Merry!"
              [Aragorn walks over to them.]
              Aragorn:"Gentlemen, that's enough."
              [He lays ahand on either Hobbit's shoulder. Pippin and Merry grab his legs, pulling him down on his back.]
              Pippin: [offscreen, still in a mock battle] "You've got my arm… you've got myarm!"
              [Legolas continues to look to the South, where a strange cloud has appeared. Sam takes notice of Legolas's observation.]
              Sam:"What is that?"
              Gimli:"Nothing, it's just a whiff of cloud."
              Boromir:[getting up from the ground, a hand on either Hobbit's shoulder] "It's moving fast… against the wind."
              Legolas:"Crebain from Dunland!"
              [Aragornrushes around, getting the Fellowship out of sight.]
              Aragorn:"Frodo! Hurry! Take cover!"
              [TheFellowship scrambles to gather their things, and Sam puts out the fire. They hide behind rock out croppings and under bushes. They wait. In a burst of darknessagainst the light of day, a flock of black birds rushes overhead, cawingloudly.]
              [The birds circle the hill, then turn and fly back Southward.]
              [The Fellowship comes out from the rocks.]
              Gandalf:"Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched."
              Gandalf:"We must take the Pass of Caradhras."
              [He turns,looking up at a great, snowy mountain.]

              IP属地:四川20楼2015-11-21 06:45
                The Pass of Caradhras
                [The Fellowship climbs the snowy slopes of Caradhras.]
                [As they climb through the glistening, fresh snow beneath the great blue sky, Frodo looses his footing and falls, rolling down the slope towards Aragorn.]
                Aragorn:"Frodo!" [He helps him to his feet.]
                [Frodo regains his footing and puts a hand instinctively to his neck for the Ring.]
                [Finding it missing, he looks back up the slope. The Ring lies in the snow,
                [Boromirsees the Ring and picks it up by its chain.]
                Aragorn(quietly): "Boromir."
                [Boromir isoblivious. His face seems sad.]
                Boromir(speaking softly): "It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear anddoubt… over so small a thing. Such a little thing."
                [He reachesout a gloved hand to touch it.]
                [Boromirlooks up, pulled from his trance.]
                Aragorn:"Give the Ring to Frodo."
                [Boromir walks slowly down the slope to the Ranger and the Hobbit. Aragorn's hand is on the hilt of his sword.]
                Boromir:[holds out the Ring] "As you wish…"
                [Frodo does not wait, and grabs the Ring sharply.]
                Boromir:"… I care not."
                [Boromir jokingly tousles Frodo's hair, turning to resume climbing. Frodo looks on suspiciously; Aragorn releases his grip from his sword.]
                [Over Isengard there is a veiling shadow. The crows fly down through a maze ofunderground workings, past Orcs laboring. They circle around, cawing.]
                Saruman:"So, Gandalf, you try to lead them over Caradhras. And if that fails,where then will you go?"
                [Gandalf's staff drives into the snow, forging a way through a growing blizzard as Gandalfguides the Fellowship along a narrow ledge on the Pass.]
                Saruman(voiceover): "If the mountain defeats you, will you risk a more dangerousroad?"
                [As the Fellowship labors onwards through the high snow banks, Legolas runs out ahead.His step is light and he moves with ease across the top of the snow, staringinto the blinding storm.]
                Saruman:"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!" (Wake up cruelRedhorn! May your horn be bloodstained!)
                Legolas:"There is a fell voice on the air!"
                Gandalf:"It's Saruman!"
                [With a rending echo, a horde of rock slabs and boulders falls from the mountain's arms. The Fellowship shove themselves flat against the sheer cliff wall toavoid the on slaught of stone.]
                Aragorn:"He's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!"
                [Gandalf steps out onto the ledge, rising on the snow.]
                Gandalf:"Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith!" (Sleep, Caradhras,be still, lie still, hold your wrath!)
                [The wizard's voice is drowned out by a more terrible cry in the maelstrom. Saruman stands on the Pinnacle of Orthanc and continues to command Caradhras. Awayabove him where he stands, a great black wall-cloud towers over Redhorn.]
                Saruman:"Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; Nai yarvaxea rasselya; taltuvanotto-carinnar!" (Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your blood stained horn fall upon enemy heads!)
                [Lightning strikes the tip of Caradhras, sending a second avalanche of white ice onto theFellowship. Legolas snatches Gandalf from the edge, pulling him against thecliff just before the ice-fall hits. The avalanche cascades over theFellowship, and snow buries them completely. After a moment, they emerge.]
                Boromir:"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!"
                Aragorn:"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!"
                Gimli:"If we cannot pass over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us gothrough the mines of Moria."
                [In Gandalf's eyes there is a shadow of doubt, of fear that lies unsaid. He is conflicted.]
                Saruman(voiceover): "Moria… You fear to go into those mines."
                [Saruman sits in his study in Orthanc, reading a page in a book of lore written in astrange tongue.]
                Saruman:"The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep."
                [On Caradhras, Gandalf's eyes glint, fearful.]
                Saruman:"You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm:"
                [Saruman turns to another page, revealing a mysterious form drawn as blackness and deepfire, with two sparks in the midst of the flame and dark, like eyes.]
                Saruman:"Shadow and Flame!"
                [On themountain, Gandalf speaks.]
                Gandalf(grimly): "Let the Ring bearer decide."
                [Boromir shouts through the snowstorm, holding Merry and Pippin to him. Both are cold and extremely pale.]
                Boromir:"We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the Hobbits!"
                Frodo:"We will go through the mines."
                Gandalf:"So be it."

                IP属地:四川21楼2015-11-21 06:52