Yes, imyourplusone I also think that the tweet above reflects a root of the problem… 是的,我也觉得编剧们在推特上的言论是问题。 a) It’s a clear move to shift responsiblity for the outcome aka blame because TPTB are AMAZING, and the Emmys gave them NOTHING for not named reasons - thats free interpretation space for the readers of the tweet - pls fill in a reason to your liking. But most of all its, we are amazing, they gave us nothing. Well, its definitely a reason that the Emmys favor cable shows royally but actresses like Taraji Henson and Viola Davis have shown that it is possible for drama leads on network shows to get nominated, even in years like this. The men category is more crowded so its even more difficult for an actor on a network show to get the nom but that means you have to give your A-class, award winning actor better material so he has the material to compete. Because that James Spader knows how to do a Emmy performance is beyond question and in the end every single actors submit a max. 10 minutes Emmy reel. So first the writing quality has to be up to cable game or better, but above that the network shows need buzz to get attention and get nominated. Empire and HTGAWM both have that amazing buzz and success this season. TBL had that last season, and Spader was - likeredandlizzie - rightfully wrote on every snub list the one named first. He was an overall expected nominee but was robbed off his nomination he deserved so so much most likely for the singular occurence of True Detective and again a crowded male drama lead category. 也是说编剧有问题,james没问题,但编剧们都不承认自己不够优秀,将所有的责任都推给评奖机构。(就好像现在的学生成绩不够优秀不反省自己,还觉得老师有问题而且对他有偏见。) But TBL had no such buzz to get them attention as network show for most of S2 and the ratings and demo were falling with the timeslot move. And yesterday Spader - unlike last year - wasn’t on most of those snub lists anymore. He wasnt even among the first group of emmy predictions in the industry either - Variety while including him in the photo series about candidates the finale predictions had him as 10th or 11th option. To my impression, he isnt considered this season as one of the big snubs by the industry media - unlike by us fans. I am deeply disappointed he didnt get the recognition he so rightfully would deserve for two seasons of amazing performances. He didn’t get that is partly due to the Emmys love affair with cable. But this year imo its also partly due to a lack of writing material and lack of buzz for the show overall - and that has a lot do to with the new time slot but also even more with the plot: LizziesLousySecret, the bungled potential of Berlin’s and Naomi’s story line or the fact that not some ppl are simply allergic against the romanticizing a toxic relationship while the overall story of Tom’s so-called pseudo-redemption is simply unbelievable given the build up of S1. Its not one of those things alone that killed a lot of the buzz the show had, its the sum of it. At least to my interpreation but i am just a simple fan who might not see the brilliance of these plotlines ;) and besides the interpretational level of that tweet its 谈到黑名单第二季明显缺少了一些外界关注,收视也在下降,而这次的spader也不像去年的spader位于艾美遗珠的关注之中,他甚至不是第一批预测获提名的人选之中,在我看来,他们不认为他被剥夺了提名的资格,我觉得很遗憾他没有得到足够的认可。理所当然,james奉献了两季的优秀表演。但艾美偏爱连续有起伏的故事,但第二季明显是缺少故事素材缺少故事的整体展示。像这季故事发展的细节:liz的秘密(当时官网大力宣传,藏了好久,大家都知道是tom,简直把观众当傻瓜。)柏林的误会,还有red前妻的故事。对于加入tom的浪漫爱情故事救赎tom简直是不敢相信他在第一季的设定。这些加在一起,减少了这部剧的主线展现。但我只是一个小粉,也许没有看到这剧潜在的智慧,而且看他们的推特是如此自信。 就简单翻了下,又是一年白等了,明年照编剧的意思,第三季围绕liz,那提名也是没戏的,不想着提升自己,只知抱怨其他,这剧也是没救了,我也从来没希望它变得多好。总是希望那什么狂人,新闻编辑室什么的都结束了,那艾美你还提什么,还不提我们叔吗!虽然片子不好。