汤上反映red别一直找虐,快说出真相吧 redandlizzie: toobookishtohandle: RED JUST TELL HER THE TRUTH. SHe even said “Please” with that heartbreaking face. Geezus. Red. Reeeeed. Dembe: *is silently judging you* And he knew. He knew not telling would drive her to Tom, and yet he stayed mum regardless. What are you hiding Red? A truth to protect Liz, yourself, or both of you? Did little Masha do something horrible (start the fire that killed her parent(s), or are you simply not wanting her to remember watching one of them die? Or maybe you believe you’ll lose her forever if she learns what you did. I thinking he’s keeping quiet for Liz’s benefit. red,快告诉她真相 傻白都心碎着说please。。。 red知道如果他不说出真相就会将傻白推到Tom身边,但他还是不说,red你在藏些什么,是为了保护傻白,你自己,或者你们俩。是不是小玛莎做了什么很糟糕的事(放火杀死了爸妈,或者你只是不想她记起爸妈死时的场景,又或者你觉得你说出真相就会失去她。我认为red一直不说都是为了傻白好。 之前就有人说过red太把傻白当孩子了,所以傻白也这么任性,其实说出一切反而可以共同解决问题。
来段花痴的 *watching anything with James Spader* Me: He’s so beautiful. Look at that profile Me: God those hands. HANDPORN! Me: What a sweet puppy. Look at those eyelashes Me: That voice…..just the voice is all I need. Ever. Me: Look at that ass! Damn! …… Me: *what the hell is going on with this plot? I’m lost* 观看任何有叔的东西 我:他真是太漂亮了,快看他的轮廓、外形 我:天啊,他的那双手。 我:多么可爱的小狗狗,快看他的长睫毛 我:那个声音。。。那就是我需要的 我:快看那屁股啊! 我:这都讲了什么,我一定是花痴过度。。。
有lizzington呼吁大家放松,别担心red变酱油和收视的问题。反正他一点都不急。剧情总是会回到傻白和red上的。 Some people need to relax The Blacklist is amazing. It was in season 1 and it still is! Does it have some continuity issues? sure. Are some story lines not so well written? Could be. But Season 2 is still awesome! Do you forget Lord Baltimore? Montarch D Bank? Luther Braxton? Luther Braxton conclusion? The Front? King Earl? Leonard Caul? These are amazing episodes guys, and all from season 2! Some people go on and on about how Liz shouldn’t do this or that, and the ratings and Spader wants out and bla bla bla. RELAX. The characters are not always going to do what you want them to or more importantly what YOU THINK they should! If any of you saw Breaking Bad then you know that many times your favorite character does stupid things, things you don’t approve of but that’s not a reason to start complaining about EVERYTHING and start accusing a dam good show of poor writing! Do I hate the Tom story line? ABSOLUTELY But I try to get my head out of my ass long enough to see that Liz only goes to Tom when she can´t go to Red and that that loser is the only shred left of the life she once believed she could have. Do I like the fact that Liz goes to him? NOOOOOO but I GET IT! The same goes for the way she is treating Red. I´m so sad they are like this. That scene when he tells her about her mother was so intense i can´t get over it. But I GET HER. SHE’S PISSED. Red refuses to tell her the whole truth and she wants to know more than anything! I think its great she stands up to him. I´m a Lizzington shipper to death, but I know that its not happening any time soon. So take it easy, and like someone else wrote: RELAX AND BLACKLIST ON! #Red Reddington#Elizabeth Keen#Lizzington
外粉表示黑名单S01E20傻白因养父生red的气敲开don的门和S02E20傻白因red不告诉实情生气敲开tom的门剧情相似。然后又会和第一季一样最后傻白遇到危险,red又舍命相救又和好了。希望第三季傻白不要又敲开哪个人的门了。 asundayinaugust: The Blacklist | S1E20 vs. S2E20 I need to say first that I’m not placing this in the blacklist main tag as I don’t want to step on Keenler/K2 shipper toes/feels. That is not what is bugging me about this parallel. What is bugging me is this odd feeling of “I have seen this before” that I had when I watched the episode. And side-by-side the essential elements those scenes really look all a bit like history repeating. Not only because TPTB kept the cinematography very similar - especially the open-the-door-Liz-reveal is almost identical. It is even in the same episode that this happens: number 20 into the season. In S1E20 it was Liz and Red being at odds because Red kept from Liz that he had made the choice to kill her adoptive father to protect her and also because Sam was dying and in pain. In S2E20 it is Liz and Red being at odds because Red is keeping from Liz information about biomum. And also because Red kept from Liz that he hired Tom to protect her in the first place. I think the repetition of narrative elements is obvious and imo that could a deliberate choice to parallel those scenarios: In both cases Liz and Red are at odds because of secrets Red kept. By now Red along with the audience should have realized that this practice is not working. AT ALL. His secrets catch all up with him sooner or later and lead to Liz being more hurt, less trusting and those two no longer communicating and cooperating which only leads to more danger for both of them and everyone close to them. They are better as team. “Together we were right.” And they NEED to be a team to defeat whatever lies ahead of them. So, I can’t see that this little waltz is being repeated for a third time - that Liz shows up on even a different doorstep in S3E20. And my hope is, its finally time for some good honest truth, Red. In S1E21/22 it was the threat to Red’s life b/c of Berlin and the truth Liz discovered about the blacklisters being connected and about Sam that caused Liz to have her change of heart. Because of several spoilers and the last two eps, I think it is becoming ver clear that it’s Liz this time who is being gravely in danger in S2E21/22. And maybe that will finally cause Red to have his personal change of heart when it comes to the reveal of the necessary truth, so that they can start into S3 as the great team they could be.