视之不见,名曰夷;听之不闻,名曰希;搏之不得,名曰微。此三者不可致诘,故混而为一。其上不徼,其下不昧,绳绳兮不可名,复归于无物。是谓无状之状,无物之象,是谓惚恍。迎之不见其首,随之不见其后。执古之道,以御今之有,能知古始,是谓道纪。When the ones are doing what they are supposed to do, they are invisable. That collectivity is called "Ye", which means "you the people".When the ones are listening to orders from their dreams, the hidden ruler is never heard of. That wirepuller is called "He", which means the "architect", the father of the world.When the ones are fighting to fulfill their purposes, the reason in the end is never got. That reason is called "Why", which means causality, the intangible way in which everything works.These three concepts cannot be analized any further, so they are named together as "YHWH", the name of God.Its higher side cannot be defined as brightness, and its lower side cannot be defined as darkness.It is the unbroken chain from beginning to end, but is undefinable in itself, and finally returns to emptiness.It is called the construct beyond any description, the phenomenon independant on any being, and the sparckle of anima between to be and not to be.When you face towards it, you cannot see beyond its beginning.When you chase after it, you cannot see past its end.By following the enduring mainframe, you can govern everything existing today, and trace back into the source - the beginning of the universe.That is called the way of codes dissemination and reinsertion, in which Tao runs itself.译注:夷,原意是统治者对东部平原被征服部落平民的统称,引申为平坦、平常、不引人注目的意思。如后文“大道甚夷”。这里兼取音意两方面,译为早期英语带有宗教色彩的复数人称“Ye”,也就是自上而下视角中的“你们”。希,造字原形是经纬交错编织成布,如《周礼 • 春官 • 司服》:祭社稷五祀则希冕。后又取“编织出理想中的模样”之意,引申为对梦想的追求,如《庄子 让王》:夫希世而行。因梦想往往可望而不可及,又引申出“罕见”之意,如《尔雅·释诂下》:希,罕也。道德经后文又有“大音希声”。《说文解字》:声生于心,有节于外,谓之音。节是区分的产物,而大道如赤子之心混沌未分,不拘于节,故曰“大音希声”,如赤子心声也。此处亦兼取音意两方面,译为梦想世界中可望而不可及的造物主“He”。微,造字本义是“隐藏身份悄然行进”的意思。如《说文解字》:微,隐行也。取其“隐藏”之意,又引申为“不显眼”甚至“无”的意思。这里仍兼取音意两方面,译为隐藏在事物背后运行的“why”,即无所不在而自隐无名的因果(causality)。Ye,He和Why这三种道的体现,都无法再进一步分析探究下去。它们三位一体,合起来称为YHWH,也就是人类混沌之初对“道”的神化命名。道的上面不是光明,道的下面不是黑暗。道的运行隐于光明与黑暗间,称为惚恍。独立不改,周行不殆,生生不息,万物归源。这是道本身的运行方式,称为道纪。