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晨兴通俗报告How to do Mathematics文稿


晨兴通俗报告How to do Mathematics文稿
How <wbr>to <wbr>do <wbr>Mathematics <wbr>by <wbr>Benson <wbr>Farb
Title: How to do mathematics? (A personal viewpoint)
Speaker: Prof. Beson Farb (Chicago University)
Time: 1 July, 19:00-20:30
Place: 110 Hall of Morningside Center of Mathematics
Beson Farb简介
· 他是芝加哥大学最受欢迎的教授之一
· 他对什么是好的数学、什么是不好的数学以及怎么做数学都有很多独到的见解
· 他是Thurston(几何化猜想的提出者)比较杰出和特别的学生
· 他已经指导了29个博士生

1楼2015-05-14 21:59回复
    I am going to say things, but of course, the first thing which is self-evident
    Claim 1 :Each mathematician must find her path
    But, having said that, it can be useful to hear about the path of others, and in fact, one thing I think we forget to do as students is to actually remember to think about what we are doing, to think about the process of mathematics, to think about the issues that we going to talk about tonight. Math is hard enough, and so we spend all the time with math which is great? But one should spend a little time think about what one is doing, and what direction you want to go. These are enormously important things that stay with you for a life, think about the process, so just thinking about it. Itself is a really useful thing to do.
    Farb: 现在我要开始讲了,不过,首先,第一点是很明显的

    4楼2015-05-14 22:02
      3. You do have to trust you advisor
      Unless you are one in the million, which you probably won’t know even if you are. You need to trust your advisor, you cannot go on your own path, if your advisor tells you to learn some specific things, I would say, you are allowed to question why, but if the advisor sticks to it, if you disagree, voice your opinion, but if your advisor finally says you really need to do it, then you really need to do it. You can't have a relationship otherwise. I can see this from a advisor's view point, the advisor give up on you immediately, we will give up immediately, there is nothing I can do for you if you don't listen to me, I won’t waste my time. If you come up with a logical argument, you can debate, I will listen, but in the end of day, I am the boss, you know what can I say, you do need to have that done. Sometimes you don't know why your problem is interesting, you are allowed to ask your advisor, and you should ask your advisor, but sometime the response might be, you have to have a broader viewpoint, you are still learning keep working, finally you will see how it connects later .Trust that.
      At the end, you are really choosing a parent.
      4. Advisor=parent
      It is the people you are stuck with your whole life. Just five minutes before I give this talk, literally between the time I open the door and sat here, I got an email from one of my past students who graduated 12 years ago, he is now a professor, you never sever that relationship, it is a huge, huge decision. You have to take it seriously.

      8楼2015-05-14 22:03

        9楼2015-05-14 22:04
          Now, I will talk about
          C. How to work
          I thought for this talk it would be useful to tell you about my opinion of these things, because I had a lot of Ph.D students. I really believe the battle in graduate school is the hardest time, hardest time for research for me, I don’t know if it was like this for you. Because I knew the least of mathematics, but I am supposed to prove the theorem, now you know more mathematics, it is easier to prove theorems. So being a graduate student is the hardest time. And usually, there are so many issues that come up that don't have to do with mathematics, but I believe you guys are smart, you are getting a Ph.D in mathematics, you can do it. Some of you will write better Ph.D than others, but I think the battle is emotional, you are going to get depression, you are going be get stuck, you are going to think why I am doing math, I want to help the world. Although I think math is helping the world. That is a different story. You have to get through all this in the battle, and the battle is like work, and the working is hard, no one is forcing you to work, you have a thesis, in United States, it’s definitely now you can do nothing for three years basically. It’s hard, to everyday work, and once you are working, you usually love it, but you want to run from math, because it is hard. I really think the entire battle is emotional battle, it’s just as important as the mathematical. I wish somebody had told me these things, it would have made my life a lot easier.
          C. 如何工作

          11楼2015-05-14 22:05
            Thomas Edison has said
            Genius is 1% of inspiration, 99% perspiration.
            I think most people have heard this, basically the greatest inventor in history. I think this is a fantastic…perspiration is sweating, it is hard work. He was trying to say the obvious thing is all about hard work. I have to say, in mathematics, I have a different quote, with all apologies to Edison, here is my own, maybe is coming from my own personal life:
            Genius is 1% inspiration, 35% perspiration and 64% obsessive-compulsive disorder.
            Anyway, this is a very useful mental disorder to have, obsessive-compulsive disorder, if you don’t, you can look that up, (do you have some detail or examples?) Obsessive-compulsive disorder is just when you drink, you have to touch things three time, the inability to let things go, to just hold on and never let go. The point is, you can not have vacations, you can’t do anything, it’s like mental illness, you are constantly obsessing, you are constantly thinking about that, you are looking at someone, nodding, but you are really thinking about math. I see all the good mathematicians I know have this obsessive-compulsive disorder. ^

            13楼2015-05-14 22:06
              19楼2015-05-14 22:08

                20楼2015-05-25 21:00

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