现大航空乘务学院吧 关注:2贴子:54
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1 【。。。】空乘英语口试常见问题
Can you work under pressure?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What have you done to correct your weaknesses?
Have you ever failed?
What is your biggest failure?
How do you handle failure?
How do you handle change?
When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?
Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?
How do you handle conflict?
Previous Employment
What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?
Why have you held so many jobs?
Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?
What did you like about your last job?
What did you dislike about your last job?
What was your favorite job?
What was your least favorite job?
What have you learned from previous jobs?
How long will you stay with our airline?
What would your coworkers say about you?
What would your previous supervisors say about you?
What were the people like at your last company?
What did you dislike about your last employer?
If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?
Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?
Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?
Have you ever been fired?
If so, why were you fired?
Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?
What will your references say?
Can we check your references?

1楼2015-05-26 08:56回复