cement混凝土吧 关注:6贴子:501
  • 4回复贴,共1

IP属地:上海1楼2015-06-01 01:24回复
    Search for the butterfly(二色莲花蝶 ~ Ancients)
    Don't stop the music
    Feeling like a little girl
    Waiting for the shooting star
    Everybody wishes
    Play for the midnight
    Dancing to my heart
    Shake down let me know
    Burning up fire
    Pray for the sound
    Dancing to the disco
    Waiting for mystery
    Can you dance with me?
    Please say my name
    Feeling like the rhythm
    Don't let me down
    I want planet dream
    Carry on darling keep the destiny
    You are gonna make me so strong
    I know the world can turn around you tonite
    Hey baby don't go
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    Looking for my only love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I will never lost you again
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    I feel the planet love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I get my only way
    Just pray the music
    You give me all your love
    Don't be afraid
    Take me higher
    I wanna get it
    And now I mean it
    that's in my heart
    Burning desire
    Just pray the disco
    Love is danger. you know
    Can you stay with me?
    Please don't look back
    Over the space
    Make my fly into the sky
    Don't let me down
    I want planet dream
    Carry on darling keep the destiny
    You are gonna make me so strong
    I know the world can turn around you tonite
    Hey baby don't go
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    Looking for my only love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I will never lost you again
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    I feel the planet love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I get my only way
    Pray for the sound
    Dancing to the disco
    Waiting for mystery
    Can you dance with me?
    Please say my name
    Feeling like the rhythm
    Don't let me down
    I want planet dream
    Carry on darling keep the destiny
    You are gonna make me so strong
    I know the world can turn around you tonite
    Hey baby don't go
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    Looking for my only love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I will never lost you again
    Search for the butterfly
    Around world
    I feel the planet love
    Search for the butterfly
    Around and Around
    I get my only way

    IP属地:上海2楼2015-06-01 01:34
      Endless night (梦消失 〜 Lost Dream)
      Love is a pain ,How many crying
      lonely night send to me clear tears again
      I won't game,Stop your fake
      I'll never give you my kiss,Never
      There's no reason Nothing to tell
      I wanna nobody who hold on me
      I was tired of your lie
      Don't touch me Don't crack my heart Any more
      Deep down inside I know I need a love
      Maybe you are the only one
      But I can't count on my third eye
      'cause I have never heard eternal words
      To be free from despair,I must be so dry
      It'too hard to alive
      Voice from my endless night is
      callin'me so sadly,wow...
      Moon-shine ask me to forget all
      It's a stab of pain Cut it out!
      wow...Voice from your endless night
      Why do I make me so madly?
      Lay off me Don't leave me
      What can I do?
      Lovly's change keep me bad
      Don't leave me send to menu rosetta
      I want to pain staff your were shave
      I never norgrachar forever
      I have my heart maybe's mistake
      now maybe were the foolish
      I know your heart
      know your the ray
      Everyday everyday you have to me
      Deep down inside I know I need a love
      Maybe you are the only one
      But I can't count on my third eye
      'cause I have never heard eternal words
      To be free from despair,I must be so dry
      It'too hard to alive
      Voice from my endless night is
      callin'me so sadly,wow...
      Moon-shine ask me to forget all
      It's a stab of pain Cut it out!
      wow...Voice from your endless night
      Why do I make me so madly?
      Lay off me Don't leave me
      What can I do?
      Voice from my endless night
      is callin'me so sadly,wow...
      Moon-shine ask me to forget all
      It's a stab of pain Cut it out!
      wow...Voice from your endless night
      Why do I make me so madly?
      Lay off me Don't leave me
      What can I do?

      IP属地:上海3楼2015-06-02 14:31
        妖怪の山(妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain)
        优しい声で 名前を呼ばれた
        懐かしい梦で 目覚めた夜
        深く眠った 昔の记忆を
        钝色(にびいろ)の空が 覆い隠す
        なぜここにいるのか 今わからないまま
        为何身在此处 至今仍不能知晓
        なぜ泣いているのか もうあの日には戻れない
        为何会在哭泣 已经无法回到那一天
        清い心で 信じていた果てにある景色が
        清澈的心灵 所坚信的尽头的景色
        瞳に映すのは 汚れた世界で
        映在瞳孔里的 却是污浊的世界
        自分に负けて 灰色に染まってしまわぬよに
        祈愿着不要输给自己 全身浸染上灰色的阴霾
        强く抱いてゆこう 遥かな思い出を
        坚强着带着那份 遥远的回忆前行
        还れぬほどに 想いは重なる
        越是无法返回 思念越是层叠深重
        幼い希望で あふれた故郷
        幼小的希望 曾经流淌过的故乡
        旅立つ日には 誓いを交わして
        开始旅途的那天 曾经彼此发誓
        戸惑う背中を 押してくれた
        支撑着我 徘徊不定的身躯
        なぜ守れないのか 色褪せてゆく梦
        为何无法守护 渐渐褪色的梦想
        なぜ忘れてくのか もう二度とは出逢えなくて
        为何无法忘却 明明已经无法再次相逢
        心が朱く 砕け散った幻想の欠片が
        染成朱红的心中 碎裂飘散的幻想
        时代を経ても 変わらずに心つなぎとめるよ
        即使时代变迁 心仍将紧紧相连不会改变

        IP属地:上海4楼2015-06-03 03:55
          Spring of Dreams(春の凑に)
          Spring of Dreams
          It's in my fantasy
          I'm standing in the story
          I'm waiting on myself
          Look at the beautiful world
          It's the sky of sea togethe
          Spring of Dreams
          It's in my memories
          I'm believing in the story
          I'm waiting on myself
          Look at the world under cloud
          In my dreams,I feel you forever
          Open eyes, I get up
          Shake your body,come
          Hey,DJ,don't stop now
          Dancing music tonight
          I'm falling to the sky
          Oh,baby,let me try
          Jumping and flying so high
          Take a ship,you and me
          Be alive Can you feel all my love?
          I just want to show you my paradise
          Eyes to eyes.Like sweet lovers
          So funny,I'm crazy for you.
          Be alive We can feel all the sounds
          I just want to give you my mystery
          Kiss to kiss like a sweet honey
          So sexy.You are crazy for me.
          Spring of Dreams
          It's in my fantasy
          Everyday I'm ready to drive the sky
          Come on together
          Look at the beautiful world
          It's the sky of sea togethe
          Spring of Dreams
          It's in my history
          Everynight I'm ready to drive the high
          Come on together
          Look at the world under stars
          In my dreams,I feel you forever
          Open eyes, I get up
          Shake your body,come
          Hey,DJ,don't stop now
          Dancing music tonight
          I'm falling to the sky
          Oh,baby,let me try
          Jumping and flying so high
          Take a ship,you and me
          Be alive Can you feel all my love?
          I just want to show you my paradise
          Eyes to eyes.Like sweet lovers
          So funny,I'm crazy for you.
          Be alive We can feel all the sounds
          I just want to give you my mystery
          Kiss to kiss like a sweet honey
          So sexy.You are crazy for me.
          Open eyes, I get up
          Shake your body,come
          Hey,DJ,don't stop now
          Dancing music tonight
          I'm falling to the sky
          Oh,baby,let me try
          Jumping and flying so high
          Take a ship,you and me
          Be alive Can you feel all my love?
          I just want to show you my paradise
          Eyes to eyes.Like sweet lovers
          So funny,I'm crazy for you.
          Be alive We can feel all the sounds
          I just want to give you my mystery
          Kiss to kiss like a sweet honey
          So sexy.You are crazy for me.

          IP属地:上海5楼2015-06-07 16:03