Just to clarify, I wasn't out when we shot this. Not professionally. So I can't speak to what the people who hired me did or didn't know about my sexuality or if that had any bearing on my casting. I'd like to believe that it didn't. 答:澄清一下,拍这部电影时我还没出柜,至少没在事业上公开出柜。所以我不能说雇我的人知道或不知道我的性取向,或者对我的表演是否忍受着不满,我愿意相信并没这样的事。 If you're asking why there aren't more openly gay actors getting cast in straight parts - in movies, specifically, because I think TV is different - I don't know. I'm sure there are any number of factors. Hopefully it's not about Hollywood still wondering if gay actors can play straight or if audiences are going to accept gay actors playing straight characters. Because the answer to both of those questions is "yes." In my opinion. 如果你是问为什么没有更多的出柜演员扮演异性恋角色——特别是在电影中,因为我想电视剧是不同的——我并不知道为什么。我相信因素是多方面的。希望这不是业界仍对同性恋演员是否能演好异性恋角色的迷惑,或者观众是否能接受同性恋演员扮演异性恋角色,因为在我看来,这两个问题的答案都是肯定的。 Q: Since the release of STOKER and the disclosure of your sexual orientation were in pretty close proximity, it almost felt to me as if you came out as gay and as a screenwriter concurrently. You were initially tight-lipped about both, and remained pretty modest about the project (STOKER). What was it like having those professional and personal revelations coincide? 问:STOKER的上映和你的公开出柜在时间上非常相近,我几乎感觉你出柜和成为编剧是同时的事情,是怎么做到工作和生活趋于一致的? It's an interesting idea but I don't know if I'd necessarily connect the timing of one with the other. I wrote STOKER in 2010, the movie came out in March of 2013 and I posted my response to the Russian film festival invite - which I consider my official coming out - the following August. 问:这个想法很有意思但我不确定能把两者的时间联系在一起。我2010年写出《斯托克》,电影在2013年3月上映,我在接着的8月公开对俄罗斯电影节邀请的回应——我认为这是我正式出柜的标志。 If there's a connection between "coming out" as a screenwriter and coming out as a gay man, it probably has something to do with me pushing my own boundaries. My sense of what was possible. I didn't think of myself as a writer, so I didn't write. I didn't think of myself as someone who could afford to come out, so I didn't come out. But then I realized that these were self-imposed limitations. I think sometimes we need to become activists in our own lives and fight against the existing order. Against our own beliefs about who we are and what we're capable of. 如果说作为编剧出柜和作为同性恋出柜之间有什么联系,我想这大概与我不断打破自我的界线和事物可能性的认知有关。以前我不觉得自己会成为一个编剧,所以我不动笔写作,我不觉得自己能经得住出柜,所以我没有出柜。后来我发现这是一种自欺的局限。我想有时候我们需要在自我生命中成为积极分子,与那些违背我们的信念和现状作斗争。