Hello everyone, the summer vacation is gettingcloser. Recently there are many students listening and signing up for ourclass. I have found the problem with learning English and wish to share it withyou. I feel everyone is mastering a lot of English vocabulary but they have BasicEnglish skills. They can only use basic sentences. People are very worriedabout their mistakes, too much emphasis on grammar, never speaking up. Theseare the language habits of Chinese people. Usually the speakers will useEnglish as if it were Chinese. This is due to a lack of practice with speaking.It is important to be in an English speaking environment to develop a naturalfeel to the language. Everyone should remember that at all times when they arespeaking to their foreign teacher that if they don’t understand they can askthe teacher to stop and repeat what they have said. Only this way can youreally learn the language. Thank you for listening to my rant.