窝又来了 P-pure as gold A-amazing actor U-understanding human L-loved by his fans W-wonderful person A-always there for his fans and family L-loves life K-kind hearted E-everyone loves you for who you are R-rock star
噗,,你居然那么晚还不睡觉 P-pure as gold A-amazing actor U-understanding human L-loved by his fans W-wonderful person A-always there for his fans and family L-loves life K-kind hearted E-everyone loves you for who you are R-rock star
带!你!装!逼!带!你!飞! P-pure as gold A-amazing actor U-understanding human L-loved by his fans W-wonderful person A-always there for his fans and family L-loves life K-kind hearted E-everyone loves you for who you are R-rock star
早安!我去上课了,下午来水(๑•ั็ω•็ั๑)拜拜 P-pure as gold A-amazing actor U-understanding human L-loved by his fans W-wonderful person A-always there for his fans and family L-loves life K-kind hearted E-everyone loves you for who you are R-rock star
你们那么晚不睡觉,居然还在聊天 P-pure as gold A-amazing actor U-understanding human L-loved by his fans W-wonderful person A-always there for his fans and family L-loves life K-kind hearted E-everyone loves you for who you are R-rock star