美国队长3吧 关注:43,676贴子:261,468
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Marvel Studios稍早在迪士尼D23博览会中播放了一支《美国队长3:英雄内战》的片段,以下是整理相关报导后的文字描述:
这支影片开始于美国队长(Captain America)、黑寡妇(Black Widow)与猎鹰(Falcon)对叉骨(Crossbones)的追捕,十字骨搭乘了一辆装甲车,战斗发生在人群众多的地带。
影片最精彩的高潮是钢铁人(Iron Man)和队长之间对于超级英雄道德性的争执。东尼˙史塔克(Tony Stark)生气地说道:「有时候我真的很想朝你那洁白无瑕的牙齿狠狠揍一拳。」;「如果不受拘束的话,我们根本不比那些反派好到哪去。」
接着是黑寡妇和鹰眼(Hawkeye)之间的对决,黑寡妇问:「我们还是朋友吗?」,鹰眼则回答:「那要看你把我打得多惨。」;黑豹(Black Panther)简短现身。
最后,猎鹰介绍蚁人(Ant-Man)加入队长阵营,这个桥段非常爆笑,史考特˙朗恩(Scott Lang)结巴地说:「我知道你们认识很多有超能力.....的人,所以我想跟你们说声:想想你们谢到要找我。不是,谢谢你们想到要找我。」

IP属地:广东1楼2015-08-16 11:19回复
    Here is the D23 “Civil War” footage description:
    It begins with Falcon, Cap and Widow monitoring a marketplace.
    “Red wing activate!” says Falcon!
    He’s got a drone version of his comic book falcon sidekick!
    The drone goes under a truck and scans it. There’s something built into the design of the truck.
    “It’s a battering ram,” says Widow.
    “Move now,” says Cap.
    Falcon leaps right off the building, falling and activating his wings just before he crashes.
    Widow runs through the marketplace with lots of flips and martial arts action.
    Cross Bones is standing in the center of the marketplace.
    Cap starts to fight him.
    Crossbones is angry about what Cap did to his face, but Cap knocks him back, knocking his mask off.
    Crossbones says something about Bucky and it grabs Cap’s attention.
    We hear General Ross’ voice.
    “The world owes you an unpayable debt,” he says.
    “But some people use the world vigilante”.
    “People are afraid”.
    We see Bucky in the same room from the end of Ant-Man.
    A quick shot of Scarlet Witch.
    Vision, dressed in a tuxedo sitting by a chess board.
    There’s a funeral. The coffin has a union jack on it.
    Tony Stark looks at Cap.
    “Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth,” he says.
    “Without boundaries,” Stark says, “We’re no better than the bad guys.”
    “So far nothing has happened that can’t be undone,” says Ross off camera.
    There’s a shot of War Machine with Iron Man!
    Cap’s team gathers. Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye are there.
    Hawkeye vs. Black Widow!
    “We’re still friends, right?” asks Widow.
    “It depends on how hard you hit me!” says Hawkeye.
    In a parking garage, Falcon opens a van’s door. Scott Lang is inside, asleep.
    He jumps up with excitement to see Steve Rogers.
    “I’m shaking your hand too long,” he says, overjoyed.
    “I know you, too” he says to Scarlet Witch, unable to take his eyes off cap, “You’re great.”
    “I know you know a lot of super people,” says Lang. ,”So thinks for thanking of me! I mean, thanks for thinking of me!”
    The easter egg in question is a quick shot of some kind of containment booth that is labeled D-23.
    I’m not sure who’s inside, though. Maybe Bucky?
    End of Description

    IP属地:广东2楼2015-08-16 11:21
      “The action-packed footage positioned Evans’ Steve Rogers/Captain America and his team of Avengers (including Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Falcon/Sam Wilson and Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff) against Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man and Don Cheadle’s War Machine, with Avenger pitted against Avenger in a brutal battle near the end of the trailer. “Are we still friends?” Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha Romanoff asks Renner’s Clint Barton at one point during the brawl. “Depends how hard you hit me,” Clint quips.
      The disagreement between the former allies seems to stem from a speech delivered by William Hurt’s General “Thunderbolt” Ross, who tells Steve, “The world owes you an unpayable debt — a great many people see you as a hero, but there are some who prefer the word vigilante. People are afraid.”
      In one scene, Downey’s Tony Stark tells Evans’ Steve, “Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.” In a turnaround from “Age of Ultron,” Tony seems to be arguing for more accountability from the superheroes.
      The footage also showed Frank Grillo in costume as the villainous Crossbones during a brutal fight with Cap, with Crossbones tossing Cap against cars and gloating about Steve’s former friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan). “He remembered you, you know — your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.” The trailer delivered on the promise of “Captain America: Winter Soldier” and the stinger at the end of “Ant-Man,” showing Bucky shedding his Winter Solider programming to join forces with Cap in the fight against Iron Man. ”— Variety“In the “Civil War” trailer, we see the Falcon deploy his trusty Redwing and then team up with Captain American and Black Widow to fight Frank Grillo’s Crossbones, who tells Cap that “he remembered you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.”
      We hear William Hurt’s General Thunderbolt from “The Incredible Hulk” say, “the world owes you an unpayable debt” but soon after, he says that people are afraid of superheroes and questions whether they are actually vigilantes.
      There’s a funeral glimpsed before Tony Stark shows up to throw down with Cap, and as Black Widow fights Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, she asks him, “we’re still friends, right?” The footage ended with Ant-Man waking up from a nap to marvel over meeting Captain America. “I know you know a lot of super people so thanks for thanking of me. Er, thanks for thinking of me,” jokes Scott Lang.”

      IP属地:广东3楼2015-08-16 11:51

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