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  【口译培训】随着我国高铁铁路网的不断完善,坐高铁出行游玩已逐渐被人们所认同。高铁以其速度快、舒适性强、一站直达、公交化运行等优势,潜移默化的改变着人们以往舟车劳顿走马观花式的旅游观念,一种名为“高铁旅游”(high-speed train trip)的旅游新模式也随之逐渐传播开来。

  In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a "high-speed train travelogue" program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new "high-speed train trip" campaign.
   The promotion of high-speed rail trips shows the railway corporation is making the transition to a more comprehensive service provider. As public services become increasingly diversified and personalized, railway services need to keep pace with social development and the changes in people's lifestyles. The high-speed train travel campaign is a good step toward further optimizing the use of the railways and boosting tourism development.
  6、In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a "high-speed train travelogue" program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new "high-speed train trip" campaign.
  7、The promotion of high-speed rail trips shows the railway corporation is making the transition to a more comprehensive service provider. As public services become increasingly diversified and personalized, railway services need to keep pace with social development and the changes in people's lifestyles. The high-speed train travel campaign is a good step toward further optimizing the use of the railways and boosting tourism development.
  1、快速发展 rapid development
  2、黄金周 Golden Week vacations
  3、较短的假期 shorter holidays
  4、自然美景 natural beauty
  5、当地美食 local delicacy
  6、In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a "high-speed train travelogue" program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new "high-speed train trip" campaign.近日,中国铁路总公司联手新华网,针对中秋、国庆的旅游高峰期推出“高铁游记”活动,推广全新的“高铁旅游”活动。
  7、The promotion of high-speed rail trips shows the railway corporation is making the transition to a more comprehensive service provider. As public services become increasingly diversified and personalized, railway services need to keep pace with social development and the changes in people's lifestyles. The high-speed train travel campaign is a good step toward further optimizing the use of the railways and boosting tourism development.推广高铁旅游的举措表明,铁路总公司正向更为综合的服务供应商进行转型。随着公共服务朝越来越多样化和个性化的方向发展,铁路服务行业需跟上社会发展和人民生活方式转变的步伐。高铁旅游活动是向进一步优化铁路利用和促进旅游业发展的良好开端。

1楼2015-09-07 14:30回复