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1楼2015-09-16 09:03回复
    LZ为了那个满多少赠礼盒的活动把网站扒拉了一遍,挑出自己喜欢的东西,一结账,才发现已经80磅,远远超出礼盒需要的额度。不过我是9月1号下的订单,赠的不是普通的那个15磅的礼盒,而是一个40磅的French favorite free gift box。 奇怪的地方在于我提交订单的时候礼盒的状态写着sold out,但是它还是在订单里,而且取消不了,我就稀里糊涂的付款了。

    3楼2015-09-16 09:40
      但是我对于那个sold out难以释怀,果然第二天一看,买的商品都Despatched,只有这个礼盒是写的awaiting despatched until 29th september ,立刻就给客服发邮件询问了一下~
      I bought something from lookfantanstic on 1st September. I found the free gift will despatched untill 29th Semtember. So I want to know whether the order will deperated into two parts to delivery or the whole order will be sent untill 29th Semtember?
      Please contact me as soon as possible.
      Thank you.

      4楼2015-09-16 11:01

        5楼2015-09-16 11:03
          Hello Alice,
          Thank you for getting in touch to ask about the estimated dispatch of Lookfantastic Gift Bag (Free Gift.
          I am really sorry that this has not yet been dispatched. Lookfantastic Gift Bag (Free Gift is on special order for you with our supplier but at this time they are unable to give me a date for when they will have it back in stock. In the meantime our buyers are trying to obtain this for you from other suppliers.
          You can check the status of your order at any time by logging into your account and following the prompts. Once your order has been sent you will receive an e-mail to tell you it is on its way.
          If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.
          Kind regards,
          lookfantastic Customer Service Team

          6楼2015-09-16 11:05
            I just received a message about the cancellation of the free gift bag in my order. And I was offered a discount code in just one month, that's unfair. The free gift bag wasn't in stock, that's not my mistake. I deny to take the loss. And I have no plan to buy anything from your website recently, so the discount code is useless for me.
            Here the solution: please send me gift boxes which value £40 or give me a 15£ refund.
            Please contact me as soon as possible.

            8楼2015-09-16 11:42
              Hello Alice,
              Thank you for getting in touch about your order.
              I am very sorry but as we state in our terms and conditions our free gifts are subject to availability. I can confirm that the discount code is offered as a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience but we are unavble to provide a different item or cash refund for this item.
              If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.
              Kind regards,
              lookfantastic Customer Service Team

              9楼2015-09-16 11:44

                10楼2015-09-16 11:50

                  11楼2015-09-16 13:41

                    来自Android客户端12楼2015-09-16 19:00
                      Lately, I submitted arequest to ask for a refund or a substitution for the free gift bag that wasn'tin stock. I got this outrageous response from one of your relationshipteammembers, Gary.According to him, I am supposed to just accept the fact that I must take theloss myself and get “a 15% off discount code as your kind gesture”? The problemis the code is totally useless for me. your website promise " spend over55£ to received a free beauty box". BUT I bought almost 84£ products withNOTHING?
                      You can cancel the discount code. But I requesta free gift box, even though the 15£ beauty box which value is much lower thanmy original order.
                      Please contact me ASAP. Thanks,

                      13楼2015-09-17 10:27
                        Hello Alice,
                        Thank you for getting in touch about FrenchFavourites (Free Gift)
                        I am very sorry the free gift has been cancelleddue to being out of stock, as this gift was free there has been no chargetherefore we cannot refund this item as you have not been charged for it, wehave sent you a goodwill discount code for this cancellation.
                        Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
                        If there is anything else that we can do, thenplease do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happyto help.
                        Kind regards,
                        lookfantastic Customer Service Team

                        14楼2015-09-17 10:27
                          This is Alice. I submitted a request to ask for asubstitution for the free gift bag that's out of stock yesterday. I statedexplicitly I don't accept the discount code instead of a free gift box. And Ifound the discount code isn't compatible with the 10% code LFNEW. That means ifI buy the same things, I just save less than 1pound with the code you offeredme with goodwill. Are you kidding me? Your goodwill is so cheap.
                          Above all, you don't offer me a choice to thismistake your website made. You threw me the useless dicount code straightly noasking my opinion. That's not a sincerely solution.
                          这次我态度比较强硬,也提到他们给的折扣码的鸡肋。还指出他们解决问题的态度是有问题的。报着打鸡血的心态继续等待第二天的回复。不得不说,虽说解决问题的态度不这么样,但是LF 家的客服回复的效率是很高的,没有让我等过一天以上,按他们的时差基本上是今日是今日毕~

                          15楼2015-09-17 10:28
                            Thank you for getting in touch about your order.
                            I am very sorry about the customer service youhave received.
                            I can see that the French Favourites (Free Gift)is actually in stock so I have credited your account the price of the free gift50.00 GBP and I have now ordered the free gift you should have received with theaccount credit.
                            You will receive an e-mail once this has beendispatched.
                            Once again, we apologise for the inconveniencecaused and thank you for your patience.
                            If there is anything else that we can do, thenplease do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happyto help.
                            Kind regards,
                            lookfantastic Customer Service Team

                            16楼2015-09-17 10:29

                              17楼2015-09-17 10:30