•Minor Change: When the Turret (formerly Gatling), Sonic, and Stealth are activated, an event such as moving or swapping upgrades will show a message and sound to indicate these turned off
•Minor Change: Adjusted drone spawn positions slightly to no longer have the ‘begin’ navigation pile up when drones trying to exit room.
•Minor Change: For players moving from v25 to v27+, a warning message that the current run’s data might not be compatible along with a link to the forum about how to backup data, etc.
•Fix: Changed the Military “Defense Data” objective so that ANY terminal on ANY Defense Outpost completes that step
更改“Defense Data”任务目标,现在任何防御空间站的任何终端都能完成这个任务。
•Minor Change: Color of final upgrade deteriorating message changed to orange to match upgrade color indicator
•Minor Change: “Difficulty” menu item grayed out, rather than hidden, when in a mission.
•Minor Change: Ship Surveyor mod now has dashed lines above/below room number
•Fix: in v26, could not see Yes/No dialog when trying to [R]est, [M]ain Menu, or [E]xit from the pause menu during a mission
•Fix: Drones and Swarms now block door from closing (used to be just Bot)
•Fix: No longer allow players to board a ship with no drones in their fleet (previously caused the game to crash)
•Fix: Changing drone upgrades in the drone configuration window was SUPER slow when a lot of items in the inventory.
•Fix: ‘swap’ wouldn’t let you use the drone’s name to select which drone in the room you want to swap with (ex: ‘swap tim’). It was ignoring the name, and just swapping with the closest drone.
修复“swap”命令交换物品时不能通过名字指定和谁交换(例如“swap tim”)。之前指定的名字会被无视,而总是和最近的无人机交换。
•Minor Fix: disabled or destroyed drones that were in the docking bay that ALSO had a gather upgrade, were not showing any scrap (or fuel) they contained on the mission summary window. The player WAS still getting credit for it, so this is just a UI fix.
•Fix: Speedboost upgrade was not always working when boarding a ship. Now fixed so works consistently.
•Fix: ‘teleport’ was being allowed while pumping fuel. Now you can not ‘teleport’ until pumping completes.
•Fix: v26 had a build issue that caused the new ship Defense models to be missing.
•Fix: While viewing another galaxy, if you pressed “J”, then jump fuel was being wasted
•Fix: Radiation shield mod still allowed the shield to take damage when moving between rooms if both rooms surrounding a corridor had radiation
•Fix: Open/Closing the Modification Window while viewing another system was messing up the nodes (mixing nodes from different views)
•Minor Fix: Hide key hints on boarding config when the key isn’t actually usable
•Minor Fix: Using ‘stealth’ with a nonsensical argument (ex: door number) was showing a confusing and unrelated message
•Minor Fix: For first-time players, the “docking hint” for new players could show on an Outpost, which made no sense
•Minor Fix: For first-time players, if you scrapped a drone before boarding first ship, you would get a warning when boarding the first ship, saying you were leaving the (non-existent) drone behind.
•Minor Fix: For first-time players, if there was a towable item on a ship BUT none of the fleet drones had a ‘tow’ upgrade, would display a confusing message about there being something you can tow, though you couldn’t.
•Change: For first-time players, reduce large object clutter in the first system to reduce likelihood of blocking
•Minor Fix: The use of the “run in background” flag wasn’t being applied to the “boot” screen, so when enabled, the boot screen was still pausing if another window got focus.
•Minor: tweaked help text to be more descriptive