关于护盾发生器,官方原话是这么说的: It is partly to make smokey warrior and smokey zooka attacks harder. It also adds decision making into how you are going to attack the base. If you destroy the shield generator the shield on the HQ is destroyed. But you can also attack the shield directly, it is like a hp buffer. 翻译过来就说 这种武器是为了增加让烟雾野人和烟雾胖妹爆本的难度,这会让攻击方选择是直接摧毁基地还是摧毁护盾发生器。如果摧毁护盾发生器,那么基地的盾就会消失,但是如果直接攻击基地也可以,护盾发生器就像一个给大本的血量加成。 所以关键就是这个东西能给大本加多少血,加的血量会不会受到蓝调的影响。