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命令与征服: 零点行动 之(Edit Action)命令英汉对照表2


================================================3.Camera_ 镜头_
3.1 Add Camera Shaker Effect at.[332] 添加镜头震动特效[332]
3.2 Disable 3DSMax Camera Animation Playback mode.[331] 禁止使用3dsmax镜头动画播放模式[331]
3.3 Enable 3DSMax Camera Animation Playback mode.[330] 允许使用3dsmax镜头动画播放模式 [330]
4.1 Just Plain message and pause. 只暂停简单的消息
5.Map 地图
5.1 Environment 环境
5.1.1Infantry Lighting-Reset. 步兵灯光-重设
5.1.2 Infantry Lighting—Set 步兵灯光-设置
5.1.3 Show Weather.[342] 显示天气[342]
5.2 Experience 经验
5.2.1 Set Rank Level Limit for current Map. 设置当前地图上的等级级别
5.3 Modify 修改
5.3.1 Adjust object Bonuses based on difficulty. 调整基本资金的困难等级
5.3.2 Adjust the tech tree for a specific object type 调整特定技术对象的类型
5.3.3 Adjust water height to a new level 调整水位到一个新的高度
5.3.4 Adjust water height to a net level with damage over time 随着时间的进度调整水位高度
5.3.5 Change the active area of the map 更改地图的活动区域
5.3.6 Force ChooseVictim to ignore game difficulty and always use Normal setting
5.3.7 Resize view guardband. 查看调整警戒带
5.4 Shroud or Reveal 覆盖或显示
5.4.1 Border Shroud is turned off. 关闭保护的边境
5.4.2 Border Shroud is turned on 开启保护的边境
5.4.3 Reveal map at waypoint—fog. 显示地图路径点上的雾
5.4.4 Reveal map at waypoint—permanently. 显示地图上的永久路径点
5.4.5 Reveal map at waypoint—undo permanently 永久撤消显示在地图上的路径点
5.4.6 Reveal the entire map for a player 为玩家显示整个地图
5.4.7 Reveal the entire map permanently for a player 为玩家永久显示整个地图
5.4.8 Shroud map at waypoint – add fog. 添加地图上覆盖的雾
5.4.9 Shroud the entire map for a player. 为玩家覆盖整个地图
5.4.10 Un-Reveal the entire map permanently for a player. 为玩家不显示整个地图

1楼2015-10-21 15:18回复