相序保护器吧 关注:8贴子:25
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乐清产业带生产 供应XJ3-G断相相序保护继电器温州朗菲电气科技


朗菲电气相序保护器是一种应用大规模数字集成电路、无变压器设计的新型高科技专利产品(独家生产,如有雷同纯属仿冒) 通用性强(3Ph220V~500V 50Hz/60Hz均可使用)体积超小,外观非常漂亮是取代施耐德相序保护器(RM4-TG20)、ABB、西门3TK2825-1BB40)、日本欧姆龙(OMROM)及其它国产相序保护器(XJ3、XJ5系列)JVR等相序保护器 这款相序保护器为最理想的产品。 LF-RD6系列相序保护器操作指南(1)把三相电源的三相电线,分别接入LF-RD6相序保护器的L1、L2、L3(2)再将出现端分别对应的L1、L2线,接入出现端(28、25或者18、15)。(3)接好线之后通电,这时电源(红)灯,正常(绿)灯,出现亮灯状态。则表明接线正确,线路正常 故障指示信息当正常接入线之后,两个灯是亮灯状态的时候。当线路中出现错相、缺相、相序不平衡时候,正常(绿)灯,就会熄灭。这时应该检查电路中是否出现故障当工程师排除故障之后,相序保护器会呈现正常状态。
一、保护特点 Characteristics of protection
Phase loss protection: It means that any phase occurs phase loss when the protected circuit is in running or stopping status. In this case, the red indicator light will be lighted and be priority.
Phase opposite protection: It is a safeguard acting immediately, which protects L1, L2, and L3 three phase against wrong connection sequence. In this case, the yellow indicator light will be lighted.
Voltage imbalance protection: While a protection of voltage imbalance rate > 20%, the imbalance of three phase voltage will affect the safe running of the equipment. In this case that there is a phase losing, the red indicator light will be lighted and be priority.
Delay protection:When the fault happens, the monitor will delay 1~3 seconds to act and release.
二、性能特点 Characteristics of performance
The protection functions of relay don’t be affected by current intensity of circuit or load, impulse current, imbalance current and load characteristic. The relay could long term work under full capability and full climate. Power consumption is lower than 2W.
There is no requirement for connecting method when it is used in protection of motor.
3.本产品符合GB/T 14048.1-2000、GB14048.5-2001 eqv IEC60947-1:1999;
This product measures up GB/T 14048.1-2000、GB14048.5-2001 eqv IEC60947-1:1999.
The EMC of the product measures up the limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of GB4343-1995.

IP属地:上海1楼2015-11-08 08:25回复

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-02-07 03:25