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【丸子】【搬运-自译】 如何得到DJENT音色



A lot of people seem to be spamming up all the big guitar and metal forums asking about the newest "big thing" in metal music and guitar tone, which is djent. If you're reading this article I'm sure you must know what djent is, so we'll just move on to the important part of this article, and that's how to acheive the iconic and recognizable guitar tone so popularized by djent.

IP属地:北京1楼2015-11-18 14:00回复
    在我们开始前,我们还需要先弄懂一些事情。首先,没有什么规则是从诞生起便不会被打破的,包括哪些所谓的通行惯例和原则。你的设备清单里,不一定非得需要我下文推荐过的某个特定的设备;你使用设备的方法,也不一定非得和我在下文中写的完全一样。这篇文章的理论,完全建立在我的经验和两位专业的DJENT音乐人——就像你我一样——所提供的信息上。我已经试过了将一把telecaster电吉他经过了一块metal muff效果器之后接入fender blues junior音箱来实现DJENT音色——结果得到的音色就像人们常说的,你所使用的设备以及设置方法,对你的(DJENT)音色有很大的影响。但是这些只是常理,(使用对的设备)只是更容易在你没有使用真正的箱头时,得到你想要的音色。
    上面这个结论,并不包含数字设备——像Axe FX,POD HD,Eleven Rack等等;但是这些常理同样也是存在的。可以使用和挑选箱头一样的原则来选择数字设备,而数字设备所具备的其他特性则可自行选择。最后,上面所说的这些原则,也同样适用于综合效果器和软效果器。
    Before we get started there are a few things we need to address. The first is that these are general rules and guidelines, nothing is set in stone and rules are meant to be broken. You do not need the specific pieces of gear I've recommended, nor do you need to use the same methods. This is all based on my own experience and lots of information from both professional musicians in the genre and from fans like you and I. I've gotten a Telecaster to djent going through a Metal Muff into a Fender Blues Junior, tone is in the hands just as people always say, and the way you play has a big effect on whether or not your gear/setup will "djent". Because these are just principles and ideas, they can easily be applied to any setup even if you aren't using a real amp/cab setup. The reason I don't cover digital units** like the AxeFX, POD HD, Eleven Rack etc. is because all the same rules still apply. The rules to picking an amp can be applied to picking a digital unit, and the rest is directly applicable to their digital counterparts. These methods still work with multi-effects units or with software plugins.

    IP属地:北京2楼2015-11-18 14:01
      The most common setting for an overdrive in metal is using the Gain on 0, the Level on 10, and the tone to taste. This allows the pedal to really push the front end of your amp without adding too much gain or tone coloring from the pedal itself. Usually having the tone control a bit on the bright side is going to give you more cut and clarity.
      Sustain, Clarity and "Pop" Using Compression:
      Compression is something rarely used in metal and other high-gain genres because of how distortion and overdrive already compress the signal naturally. In progressive metal it is used not only to compress the tone for more sustain, but it also helps fight the noise gates (which we will get to shortly) allowing you to have all the sustain you could want, despite having a lot of gating in your signal as well. The compression is also really helpful in bringing out clarity and note definition in chords. Lastly it helps even out your tone wherever you play on the fretboard, so if you're playing a riff that jumps from the low strings suddenly to the higher strings it'll make those notes "pop" a lot more.

      IP属地:北京7楼2015-11-18 14:02
        It's worth going over how compressors work so you know how to set yours properly. Some compressors just have a Sustain and Level knob but a lot of the ones on the market (pedal or rackmount) are more detailed than that. Threshold is the volume at which the compressor starts actually compressing your signal. Your Sustain knob is obviously going to equal the amount of compression, and can also appear labeled as Ratio. Ratio basically the amount of input signal to the amount of output signal after your signal passes that threshold. In other words, if your ratio is 5:1 that means that if your signal goes 5db above your threshold, the compressor will reduce that to 1db above the threshold. Attack is how quickly the compressor kicks in after your signal passes the threshold. Release is how quickly the compressor stops working as soon as your signal drops below that threshold. Obviously your Level knob will control the overall output of the compressor.
        压缩效果器的型号确实比较少,目前最流行的是KEELY的4钮压缩效果器。它可以提供你所需要的所有功能,被评价为最好的压缩效果器,透明度很高。透明度的概念,是说这个压缩效果器,影响你原本的TONE的程度非常小。如果你喜欢某个压缩效果器对你原本的TONE进行处理之后的音色,你也可以无所顾忌的用它。我还推荐DUNLOP的MXR M87 贝斯压缩效果器,它能够直观的显示压缩情况,实在是6……
        Popular compressor models are quite few really, with the most popular model by far being the Keely 4-knob compressor. It has all the options you need and is generally regarded as the most transparent compressor. Transparency is generally what you want with a compressor, and the less it colors your tone the better. If you like how a compressor colors your tone though, feel free to use it. I also recommend the MXR M87 Bass Compressor, which also has a visual display of how the compressor is working, which is fantastic.

        IP属地:北京8楼2015-11-18 14:02
          Crucial EQ and "Djent Frequency":
          There's two very important EQ adjustments that should be made, the first is the actual "djenty" sound itself. To enhance that "djent" sound (notice I said enhance, not get. More on that later...) a boost at around 1.4kHz is necessary. This is where that really scratchy, metallic sound is occuring in the frequency spectrum. Unfortunately this is not a frequency that can easily be boosted, because most EQ pedals are graphic EQ pedals, meaning the frequency bands are fixed and you can't change what frequencies you are controlling. All that being said, the best route to take is getting a parametric EQ pedal so you can select the 1.4kHz frequency and boost it as you wish. Remember that the more you boost frequencies, the more noise you are introducing into your signal as well. Of course any unit that can boost this frequency (or close to it) can be used, and it may even be worth buying a cheap multi-effects pedal and using its EQ, if capable. Keep in mind it's around 1.4kHz, not exactly 1.4kHz.
          Here's a list of Parametric EQ's that have access to the 1.4kHz frequency:
          Boss PQ-4 Parametric Equalizer
          Boss SP-1 Spectrum
          Carl Martin 3-Band Parametric EQ
          Ibanez PQ-9 Parametric EQ
          Boss PQ-3B Bass Parametric EQ
          BYOC Parametric EQ
          Artec SE-PEQ Parametric Equalizer
          Catalinbread VariOBoost
          TC Electronic Dual Parametric Equalizer
          TC Electronic Sustain + Parametric Equalizer
          Empress ParaEQ

          IP属地:北京9楼2015-11-18 14:03
            For a two noise gate setup, one gate in the loop of your amp and one after the compressor and overdrive is best. This way you are gating noise from your guitar, compressor, and overdrive with one gate, your noisiest elements before the amp. Yes, your EQ pedal will cause a bit of noise to come into your signal as well, but trying to fight too much noise with just a single gate probably isn't going to yield the results we are looking for. But again, experiment with your second gate, it may work better elsewhere. Your signal chain should look like this:
            吉他 > 压缩 > 过载 > 噪音门1 > EQ均衡 > 箱头 > LOOP SEND > 噪音门2 > LOOP RETURN
            Guitar > Compressor > Overdrive > Noise Gate > EQ > Amp > Amp Effects Loop Send > Noise Gate > Amp Effects Loop Return
            最后,我们还有一个使用3个噪音门的用法,这个用法来自Periphery的三位吉他手,他们在使用Axe FX之前,使用了这样的配置。这样的用法,可以得到最紧凑的吉他响应;因为这样的用法可以分别去限制每个噪音源的噪音,而不是将这些噪音源汇总到一起之后再通过一个噪音门进行控制。
            And finally we have the three noise gate setup, which is the one used by all three guitarists in Periphery before they made the switch to the AxeFX. This ensures the tightest response from your guitar because you're gating different sources of noise separately, rather than trying to gate all your noise from several sources with a single gate. The three gates were placed as such:
            吉他 > 压缩 > 噪音门1 >过载 > > 噪音门2 > EQ均衡 > 箱头 > LOOP SEND > 噪音门3 > LOOP RETURN
            Guitar > Compressor > Noise Gate > Overdrive > Noise Gate > EQ > Amp > Amp Effects Loop Send > Noise Gate > Amp Effects Loop Return

            IP属地:北京13楼2015-11-18 14:03
              举个栗子,Periphery的Misha Mansoor 经常使用BKP的Cold Sweats,这是一块中等输出的被动拾音器。而Animals as Leaders的Tosin Abasi则使用EMG808——这样的高输出主动拾音器。作为DJENT和前卫金属中的两个标志性乐队(乐手),他们的音色都具有:干净、清晰、足够重的特点。对我而言,我觉得主动拾音器有些浑浊;但其他人的感觉可能与我相反。总而言之,怎么选择拾音器,还是要依赖于你的听感和你的设备。如果你的音色听起来太软,试试更高功率的拾音器;如果失真太燥或者声音浑浊,尝试一些功率稍低的拾音器吧。
              Pickups, Output and Clarity:
              When choosing pickups, keep in mind anything will work, and this is just to give some helpful tips on polishing your tone a bit with your pickup choices. Most people have the idea that playing metal or high gain guitar requires a high output pickup. A high output pickup is great in many ways, they are usually have less noise and will distort more readily than lower output pickups. For djent specifically, I would recommend medium output pickups. The reason for this is that lower output pickups tend to have a bit more clarity, and will have much better clean tones. These pristine sounding clean tones are another important part of djent, and having medium output pickups offers the best of both worlds. As far as active vs. passive, both work. For example, Misha Mansoor (Periphery) uses BKP Cold Sweats a lot, which are medium output passives. But on the other hand Tosin Abasi (Animals as Leaders) uses EMG808 high output active pickups. Both are considered major icons in the djent and progressive metal world, and both have clear, articulate, heavy tones. In general I personally find active pickups to be muddier, and so do others, but other people feel quite the opposite, and it is totally dependent on your tastes and your rig. If your tone is too weak sounding, try higher output pickups. If it's too distorted and muddy, try lower output pickups.

              IP属地:北京16楼2015-11-18 14:04

                IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端19楼2015-11-18 14:06

                  IP属地:湖北20楼2015-11-18 14:14

                    IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端21楼2015-11-18 14:46

                      来自Android客户端22楼2015-11-18 15:46
                        Djent 大法好,然而我用直阻不到8k的paf7去玩还是略蛋疼的,真心不好控制。

                        IP属地:辽宁23楼2015-11-18 18:23

                          IP属地:中国台湾24楼2015-11-18 18:24
                            这个好技术贴 下次试试3噪音门的

                            来自iPhone客户端25楼2015-11-18 18:40

                              IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端26楼2015-11-18 20:30