The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015 offers key insights into the scientific performance of 750 major universities worldwide. A sophisticated set of bibliometric indicators provides statistics on the scientific impact of universities and on universities’ involvement in scientific collaboration. The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015 is based on Web of Science indexed publications from the period 2010–2013.荷兰莱顿大学CWTS发布的2015世界大学排名,将重点关注在全球750所主要大学的学术表现上。一套复杂的文献计量指标提供了统计的各大学在学术上的影响力以及参与科学合作情况的数据。莱顿大学CWTS2015排行榜是基于2010-2013年Web of Science论文引用数据。
1. Differences with other university rankings1.和其他大学排行榜的不同
Compared with other university rankings, the Leiden Ranking offers more advanced indicators of scientific impact and collaboration and uses a more transparent methodology. It does not rely on highly subjective data obtained from reputational surveys or on data provided by universities themselves. Also, the Leiden Ranking refrains from aggregating different dimensions of university performance into a single overall indicator.相比于其它大学排名法,莱顿大学排名展现了更先进的科学影响力及学术合作指标,并用了更简单易懂的研究方法。它不依赖于高度主观的声誉调查所得到的数据,也不基于大学自身提供的数据。此外,莱顿大学排名将各大学不同维度的表现,聚合成一个单一的整体指标。
2. Improvements and new features2.新的突破和特征
Compared with the 2014 edition of the Leiden Ranking, the 2015 edition includes a number of enhancements. First of all, the 2015 edition offers the possibility to perform trend analyses. Bibliometric statistics are available not only for the period 2010–2013 but also for earlier periods. Second, the 2015 edition of the Leiden Ranking provides new impact indicators based on counting publications that belong to the top 1% or top 50% of their field.相比于2014年的莱顿大学排名,2015版本实现了很多提高。首先,2015版提供了进行趋势分析的可能性。文献计量统计数据不仅参考2010 - 2013年,也基于更早的时期。第二,莱顿大学2015排名基于各领域前1%或50%的大量出版物,提供了新的影响力判断指标。