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Dear Ones,
Our beloved father, friend, teacher and emissary for water and peace, Dr. Masaru Emoto, passed peacefully at 12:50 am on October 17 2014, in a hospital in Tokyo, Japan with his wife Kazuko by his side.
His last words were "Arigato". ("Thank you" in Japanese). Which in Japanese means to be grateful for our own existence. His family believes he was giving his thanks to all of the people who shared his vision for peace, the people he met along his journey, and everyone who came into contact with his life's work.
He was sincerely grateful for his family and every friend he had made throughout his life. He loved and thanked you all so very much. In his last book, ‘Hidden Messages From Water and The Universe’, he wrote, "Life is love a gift from God and parent, and death is gratitude for a new dimension". So now he is in another dimension, looking over us warmly with love and gratitude.
His work and messages will live on as staffs of Office Masaru Emoto, LLC will carry on his mission. We are seeking your continuous support to our work.
他衷心地感谢他的家人和他一生中的每一个朋友。他爱你们,非常感谢你们。在他的最后一本书《Hidden Messages From Water and The Universe(来自宇宙和水的信息)》中,他写道:“生命是上帝和父母赠予的爱的礼物,死亡是另一个新的维度的感恩”。现在他正处于另一个维度,用爱和感激的目光注视着我们。

IP属地:北京1楼2015-11-28 18:47回复

    来自Android客户端3楼2015-11-29 12:01