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Social problem

IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-12-04 00:14回复
    In recent years, crime rate has continued to reach record. Some people reckon that criminals are supposed to be sent to prisons. On the other hand, for the same problem others believe that law-breakers ought to make more contributions to the public as punishment. As far as I’m concerned, I totally agree with the former. My opinion is listed as follow.
    First of all, it can produce a safe and comfortable environment for law-abiding law. It is irrational and even rather dangerous to liberate criminals like thieves, robber, rapers and even murders, because they are still threat to our society.
    Just like an old saying goes that toleration to criminals is cruel to the public.
    Another reason that I hold the view is imprisonment is not only punishment to criminals, but also a warning to potential crime, which enables people intending to commit crime to think twice before doing.
    Research demonstrates that there is a close relation between imprisonment of criminals and decrease in crime rate. Otherwise, the world would be filled with chaos, blood and violence.
    Some people say that it brings heavy financial burden on government. In fact, if police plans to control crime, more funds have to be invested in freed criminals for overlook. Moreover, once criminals re-commit crimes, it brings more troubles to catch. In addition, hurt to victims is incurable
    Taken as a whole, I deem that the correct attitude is that criminals should be put in prison to receive forced reform.
    An increasing number of people surge into the city, and find shelters there. Some people consider/deem/reckon/maintain that we should live in countryside, however, others strongly/firmly argue that cities are the places which are more suitable for us to live. It is natural that people from different background have varied attitudes towards this issue.
    The people who firmly advocate that people live in the city have feasible reasons. Firstly, major cities have more ready job opportunities then villages. Besides, there are not only more working positions in the cities, but also salary is more decent. Secondly, children in large cities are more likely to enjoy higher quality education then children living in the countryside. For most families, kids’ education is always the priority. Foremost, as essential activities in daily life, shopping is more convenient in the city. People in downtown are able to purchase what they want in anytime of a day.
    However, many people hold different view towards this problem. They reckon that living in the countryside is also beneficial in many ways. To begin with, people living in villages usually live a comfortable life. The majority of them do not need to bear high intensity working pressure, and even though their average wage is much less than people in the city, daily products, such as vegetable and meat is cheaper. Therefore, inexpensive life style has attracted a number of city people. in addition, unlike people in the city who bear loneliness, the villagers are harmonious with each other, as a result, children can grow up more healthily. To grow up in the countryside are able to make children experience more natural environment and will not be distracted by all kinds of entertainment places in the city.
    Both parties make sense, therefore it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion. In my opinion, the countryside is more suitable for people to live. Because village life means fresh air, silent night and friendly villagers, no matter which city, it is more expensive than the countryside. Besides, children can grow up more healthily without all the dangers and distraction in the city, and to lay a better basis in their cultural and moral values
    In recent years, more and more people/ an increasing number of people begin to challenge death sentence, a current regime. They claim that in a civilized and democratic society, such a savage and cruel act should be forbidden. On the other hand, however, there are also a majority of people strongly/firmly advocating remain the death sentence. Without this sentence, the world will become chaotic and full of blood and violence. It is quite naturally that in this long term debate, seldom can people reach an agreement.
    Those who support the death sentence think this is the best threat to the criminals by reminding those would-be criminals that committing crime is not profitable at all, so they should think again before doing that. Enforcing death sentence directly lead to the decrease of serious crime rate. Secondly, this is the deserved punishment those relentless criminals should have, and also a great spiritual comfort to the victims’ families. The third advantage is that it is a very economical way to terminate the life of a criminal, and for some people, death is not enough as their punishment. This way also helps to alleviate the crowdedness of a prison and reduce the government’s budget.
    For the same problem, many other people who support to abolish death sentence firmly hold the opinion that in this modernized world, to take away a person’s life with whatever excuse is inhuman and the cruel. They believe that life is precious and irreversible, only God can take away a person’s life. Besides, death sentence can not scare away the criminals. so far, no evidence shows that implementing death sentence is directly correlated to serious crime rate. We should give the criminal a chance to correct their behavior and guide them to live a new life. The criminals can be safely locked in the prison and to lay a better basis in their cultural and moral values

    IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-12-04 00:15