We the audience humbly ask you to consider our case that it would profit both Netflix and MGM Studios to cooperate in reviving the television series Stargate Universe (SGU). Information has emerged subsequent to SGU's cancellation which demonstrates its viewers to be far more numerous than heretofore believed, and ideally suited to become Netflix customers. We hereby petition Netflix to evaluate SGU in this light.
As epic space science fiction, SGU has highly focused appeal to a desirable and exceptionally avantgarde demographic: Geeks, technophiles, early adopters--viewers in the coveted 18-49 age range who embrace tomorrow's technology today, and who prefer to watch series via the Internet through gaming consoles, laptops, PCs, smart phones, tablets, iPods, smart TVs, etc. Thus, though the Nielsen ratings measure conventional audiences with laudable accuracy, SGU's uniquely unconventional viewers went largely uncounted, watching in ways and time frames beyond The Nielsen Company's purview. This gave SGU the illusory appearance of unpopularity and skewed its reported demographics.
外国友人在change 请愿米高梅公司 重新制作星际之门电视剧
As epic space science fiction, SGU has highly focused appeal to a desirable and exceptionally avantgarde demographic: Geeks, technophiles, early adopters--viewers in the coveted 18-49 age range who embrace tomorrow's technology today, and who prefer to watch series via the Internet through gaming consoles, laptops, PCs, smart phones, tablets, iPods, smart TVs, etc. Thus, though the Nielsen ratings measure conventional audiences with laudable accuracy, SGU's uniquely unconventional viewers went largely uncounted, watching in ways and time frames beyond The Nielsen Company's purview. This gave SGU the illusory appearance of unpopularity and skewed its reported demographics.
外国友人在change 请愿米高梅公司 重新制作星际之门电视剧