以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻 Honor to those who love the motherland, shame on those who harm the motherland; 以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻 Honor to those who serve the people, shame on those who betray the people; 以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻 Honor to those who believe in science, shame on those who choose to remain ignorant; 以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻 Honor to those who are hard-working, shame on those who are lazy and avoid work; 以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻 Honor to those who uphold unity and help one another, shame on those who seek personal gain at other’s expense; 以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻 Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, shame on those who trade principle for profits; 以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻 Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, shame on those who are undisciplined and break the laws; 以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。 Honor to those who practice plain living and defy adversity, shame on those who indulge in extravagance and pleasures-seeking.
以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻 Honor to those who love the motherland, shame on those who harm the motherland; 以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻 Honor to those who serve the people, shame on those who betray the people; 以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻 Honor to those who believe in science, shame on those who choose to remain ignorant; 以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻 Honor to those who are hard-working, shame on those who are lazy and avoid work; 以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻 Honor to those who uphold unity and help one another, shame on those who seek personal gain at other’s expense; 以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻 Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, shame on those who trade principle for profits; 以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻 Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, shame on those who are undisciplined and break the laws; 以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。 Honor to those who practice plain living and defy adversity, shame on those who indulge in extravagance and pleasures-seeking.
以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻 Honor to those who love the motherland, shame on those who harm the motherland; 以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻 Honor to those who serve the people, shame on those who betray the people; 以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻 Honor to those who believe in science, shame on those who choose to remain ignorant; 以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻 Honor to those who are hard-working, shame on those who are lazy and avoid work; 以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻 Honor to those who uphold unity and help one another, shame on those who seek personal gain at other’s expense; 以诚实守信为荣,以见利忘义为耻 Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, shame on those who trade principle for profits; 以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻 Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, shame on those who are undisciplined and break the laws; 以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。 Honor to those who practice plain living and defy adversity, shame on those who indulge in extravagance and pleasures-seeking.