GeneralIdeas of Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Relevant Designs of LaboratorialEquipment
Organic electronics are a promising newoption for optical technology. Organiclight emitting diodes (OLEDs) can be fabricated at low cost and printed onflexible displays. They can be chemically tuned to produce any desiredwavelength of light and their viewing angle is greater than that of theirinorganic counterparts. They also have been shown to have interesting magneticfield effects which open up the possibly for new applications. To study ourOLEDs optical, electrical, and magnetic properties a specialized mount had tobe designed. This was done using a cloud-based computer-aided draft (CAD)program, OnShape. By using OnShape, we were able to address the technicalrequirements for measurement, study the mechanical feasibility of our proposeddesign, and consider its integration with equipment already in place in ourlaboratory all prior to construction. In addition, we also took into accountdesign materials which would not alter measurements of magnetic fieldproperties.
Presenter:Luogen Xu