【第14次课 2016/3/18】
在今日中国,你能很轻松地使用智能手机从贩卖机(vending machine)那儿买汽水,或者在便利店扫二维码(QR code)买东西。通过利用这些创新技术,中国的移动购物产业(China mobile shopping)已领先于美国。
*英语原文(from China Daily):
In today’s China, you can easily get a soft drink from a vending machine using your smartphone, or scan a QR code to buy goods in a convenience store. By harnessing these innovations, China mobile shopping has barreled ahead of the United States.
vending machine(n.自动贩卖机);smartphone(n.智能手机);QR code(n.二维码--quick response);convenience store(n.便利店);harness(v.利用);innovation(n.创新);barrel(v.像桶一样快速滚动、移动)
1)scan a QR code to:扫描二维码从而…;造句:You can scan this QR code to add me into your contact list.(你可以扫一下这个二维码把我加入你的通讯录列表)
2)by harnessing…:通过利用…;造句:By harnessing solar energy, this village saves a lot of electricity costs every year. (通过利用太阳能,这个村庄每年都能节省大量电费。)
3)barrel ahead of:滚到…前面去了,超越;造句:Having studied hard, he gradually barreled ahead of the majority of his classmates in grades.(努力学习之后,他的成绩渐渐超越了大多数同学。)
1)在今日中国,你能很轻松地使用智能手机从贩卖机那儿买汽水,或者在便利店扫二维码买东西:In today’s China, you can easily get a soft drink(软饮料=汽水,单数名词) from a vending machine using your smartphone, or scan a QR code to buy goods(买东西) in a convenience store.
2)通过利用这些创新技术,中国的移动购物产业已领先于美国:By harnessing these innovations, China mobile shopping has barreled ahead of(领先于) the United States.
1)方式状语:you can easily get a soft drink from a vending machine [现在分词做状语表方式using your smartphone], / [介词引导成分作状语表方式By harnessing these innovations], China mobile shopping has barreled ahead of the United States.
2)地点状语:you can easily get a soft drink [介词结构作状语表地点from a vending machine]
3)目的状语:or scan a QR code [不定式做状语表目的to buy goods] [地点状语in a convenience store].