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信息来源:中科院上海光学精密机械研究所http://www.siom.cas.cn/xwzx/ttxw/201603/t20160310_4547220.html 发布时间:2016年03月10日 【大 中 小】 【打印】 【关闭】
   每一种粒子都有一个与之相对的反粒子,1932年由美国物理学家卡尔·安德森在实验中证实了电子的反粒子,即正电子的存在。1936年,安德森因发现正电子而获得了该年度的诺贝尔物理奖。反物质研究在高能物理、宇宙演化等方面具有重要意义,同时也具有重要应用,比如正电子断层扫描成像(PET)在癌症诊断等方面已广泛应用。   上海光机所强场激光物理国家实验室利用飞秒拍瓦激光装置和高压气体靶相互作用(如图1),产生大量高能电子,高能电子和高Z材料靶相互作用,由韧制辐射机制产生高强度伽马射线,伽马射线再和高Z原子核作用产生正负电子对。正电子谱仪经过精心设计,成功解决了伽马射线带来的噪声问题,利用正负电子在磁场中的不同偏转特性,实验中在单发条件下就成功观测到了正电子。这是我国首次报道利用激光产生反物质。[PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 23, 033109 (2016)]   上海光机所早在2001年就开始超强超短产生正负电子对的理论研究,提出利用强激光和纳米薄膜靶相互作用产生正负电子对。[PHYSICAL REVIEW E 65 016405(2001)]该工作在国际上得到了广泛关注,3篇发表在REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS(影响因子30)以及2篇发表在Plasma Phys. Rep的综述文章都介绍了这一工作,同时,有5篇发表在Phys. Rev. Lett.的论文引用了这一工作。   超强超短激光产生的超快正电子源,在材料的无损探测等方面具有重大应用。(强场激光物理国家重点实验室)

1楼2016-03-17 15:16回复

    2楼2016-03-17 15:17

      来自Android客户端3楼2016-03-18 09:25

        IP属地:广东4楼2016-03-18 10:48
          Calculus is the code to open the universe, and mechanics is the key to open the door to the universe, so the system model theory is to understand the pattern of the universe. The reason why the world is so wonderful, beautiful and long-lasting is precisely because of his system model construction. The universe model based on the system model must be the most natural, beautiful, and intelligent model in the universe. God created the world based on a system. Our world is a system. Everything in the world is a system. Without a system, there would be no world. The construction of a system model is how God created the world.
          In fact, whether in the East or the West, there are a lot of statements and records about system construction in ancient philosophy, medicine and other fields. For example, the western philosopher Aristotle once said that the sum of individuals is greater than the sum of individuals; for example, the theories of the human body microcosm in the beauty of Buddhism, such as the theory of Tiandao in the Chinese Tao Te Ching, etc., are all about system construction. . In the modern field, there are also many researchers doing systematic research. For example, Bertrand of Sweden and Qian Xuesen, the father of nuclear physics in China, are more representative. In particular, the introduction of system theory, information theory, and cybernetics have allowed people to focus only on the system itself, and made the study of system model construction a completely new topic. So my research theory may not be paid attention to, there is great possibility and rationality. But this is exactly the important mission of the article written by me and deeply requires the society and human beings to pay attention to the theory of system model construction.

          5楼2021-07-31 15:24

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端7楼2021-08-01 01:54