Discuss the possibility of banningMoltresfrom the ORAS LU metagame.
Make sure you post intelligently based off of experience in the tier. Posts based off theorymon risk forum infractions.
Attempt to find the checks and counters (or lack thereof) for Moltres as well as its impact and power in the metagame. Do not simply say "it's broken" or "it's not broken". Back up your arguments on why you think it should be banned or not.
Most importantly, elaborate on your points and try to think of counter arguments as you're posting. No one or two sentence posts will be allowed, and this will be strictly enforced.
If a consensus is reached, the result will likely be implemented in the metagame.

Make sure you post intelligently based off of experience in the tier. Posts based off theorymon risk forum infractions.
Attempt to find the checks and counters (or lack thereof) for Moltres as well as its impact and power in the metagame. Do not simply say "it's broken" or "it's not broken". Back up your arguments on why you think it should be banned or not.
Most importantly, elaborate on your points and try to think of counter arguments as you're posting. No one or two sentence posts will be allowed, and this will be strictly enforced.
If a consensus is reached, the result will likely be implemented in the metagame.