趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝 Whilst skies are blue and bright
趁着花朵鲜艳 Whilst flowers are gay
趁眼睛看来一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night
趁夜幕还没降临 Make glad the day
呵 趁现在时流还平静 Whilst yet the calm hours creep
做你的梦吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep
等醒来再哭泣 Then wake to weep
趁着花朵鲜艳 Whilst flowers are gay
趁眼睛看来一切美好 Whilst eyes that change ere night
趁夜幕还没降临 Make glad the day
呵 趁现在时流还平静 Whilst yet the calm hours creep
做你的梦吧 且憩息 Dream thou-and from thy sleep
等醒来再哭泣 Then wake to weep