Albert Ching: Tom, the surprise ending of "Captain America: Steve Rogers" #1 definitely dominated online comics talk this week -- on the same week when another rather big comic book came out from another company. You and Nick Spencer have done a ton of mainstream press about it, from Time to Entertainment Weekly. Were you surprised by how much interest and reaction there's been to the big twist?
Tom Brevoort: I think we knew that there would be a reaction, I don't know that anybody anticipated that there'd be this much of a reaction. It really is, to me, analogous to 10 years ago, when at the end of "Civil War," we killed Captain America. I'm now getting the kind of mail -- in some cases, almost verbatim the same letters -- that I got 10 years ago, it's just that people have effectively crossed out "killed" and written in "Hydra" over it. But it's very much the same sort of thing. A lot of the mail that we're getting is coming from people who are not reading our comics, but who are fans of the character from the films, or animation, or just seeing him on toy shelves and so forth. They're tending to have a skewed vision of what's happening in the book, based on either the reporting, or just the headline of the reporting, or just what they've been told about what the story is. It's unfortunate that it's made so many people so upset, but I think the actual story that we're telling is something that we can stand behind.