Carias. ------支着条腿斜倚于树干上 葱郁的老树高矗头顶.任由全身为慵懒温暖的肿胀阴影所包裹. 先前只因不适应麻烦的人头而化回了鹰首 随意地垂下脖子使锐利的喙尖直指地面.微眯的双目中溢出懒散而富有生机的金色 羽翼折好靠在身后.尾巴长得挂下来横在面前的草地之中. ------用婉转的鸟哨在喙中像涓涓溪水般流出一支情歌. Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow I came along I wrote a song for you And all the things you do And it was called yellow So then I took my turn Oh what a thing to have done And it was all yellow Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful You know, you know I love you so You know I love you so I swam across I jumped across for you Oh what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow I drew a line I drew a line for you Oh what a thing to do And it was all yellow Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful You know, for you I'd bleed myself dry For you I'd bleed myself dry It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine Look at the stars Look how they shine for you ------和煦之中安静渐渐被一声紧跟一声的鸟鸣于树枝叶摇摆刮擦的声响所取代. ------And all the things that you do.