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The Holo Haunt
Halloween event
Starts on Tuesday the 18th
Lasts 3 weeks
Sweet new skins
Skull face Quark skin
Slasher Titus
totally not Ghostbusters Juno
Zombie Rask
New Holo Haunt loot matrix
Can not get dupes in this loot matrix(only holo haunt skins)
Holo Haunt skins will not be in regular loot martixes
Reward for completing a repeatable mission(gets harder the more you do it)from 18th-31st
the last week of the event you can buy with ISO(1st to the 8th)
These skins will be going into "The Vault" after the 8th (will come back at a later date)
Looking at the 25th for release
Will be Solo/Duo
Still some issues with Team ranked
Will be season based
Mods have been updated on the PTS
Will come out on live on the 18th
Her Alt skin will also be out at this time
Sounds on abiltys are still to be updated
Another quark skin in the works?
Next freelancer will not be a frontliner but the 2 after that will be
Next batch of skins(non halloween) will be around Black Friday
Free mode players will be able to join custom games just not create them
Congrats to Team Trash for winning Season two of PPL
Check out Trion's extra life Campaign here
Gameplay Live Stream will be coming on Tuesday, Trion will be hosting awesome streamers on Wensday

IP属地:辽宁1楼2016-10-16 03:04回复

    IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端2楼2016-10-16 07:41