swords 彼之剑
double swords 其有二
not long swords 虽不长
but fast swords 疾如风
penis 彼之屌
soft penis 甚软矣
not a hard penis 已不硬
yet a rotten penis 更烂矣
Nicolas 彼名谁
poor Nicolas 曰尼姑
happy with bitches 喜嫖娼
end in bed with AIDS 终染疮
swords 彼之剑
double swords 其有二
not long swords 虽不长
but fast swords 疾如风
penis 彼之屌
soft penis 甚软矣
not a hard penis 已不硬
yet a rotten penis 更烂矣
Nicolas 彼名谁
poor Nicolas 曰尼姑
happy with bitches 喜嫖娼
end in bed with AIDS 终染疮