Aria “Stay Close to Me” 詠嘆調《永遠待在我身邊》 I hear a voice crying far away 我聽到從遠方傳來的哭聲 Have you been abandoned as well? 你也被遺棄了麼? Come now, let’s empty this glass of wine soon 來吧,一起來乾掉這杯酒 I’ll start getting ready 我將會準備 Now be silent. 現在安靜下來吧。 With a sword I wish I could cut 但願我能用劍割開 Those throats singing about love 那些唱著情歌的喉嚨 I wish I could seal the cold with the hands 但願我能用這雙描繪著熱情的詩的手 That portray those verses of burning passion. 來驅走寒冷 This story that makes no sense 這個荒謬的故事 Will vanish tonight along with the stars 將會隨著星星消失於夜空中 If I could see you from hope 若果我能在希望中看到你 Eternity will be born 永恆就會誕生 Stay close to me 待在我身邊 Don’t go 不要走 I’m afraid of losing you 我害怕失去你 Your hands, your legs 你的雙手,你的雙腿 My hands, my legs 我的雙手,我的雙腿 The heartbeats 心跳聲 Are fusing together 正融為一體 Let’s leave together 一起離開吧 Now I’m ready 我準備好了