于2016年12月30日下午1:27 ,LumpN:
Thanks for the tip, we'll investigate. By the way, even though we hardly ever reply, we do read the forums all the time and hints like this one are very helpful to us. Please keep in mind that it might take a very long time to find and fix the underlying issue though.
In the meantime I can provide a little background information about these files.
The CellsCache folder contains data about all the entities (plants, creatures, loot, etc.) in batches the player has seen. If a player never visits batch 14-18-15 then there won't be a file about it in that saved game.
The CompiledOctreesCache contains terrain data only. Terrain data almost never causes issues unless one of the files gets corrupted while writing which may result in missing terrain.
If a saved game runs slow at certain coordinates while a new game runs fine at the same coordinates then there is a fair chance that there is an issue with the CellsCache. The other potential culprits being the batch, global, or scene objects. You don't want to mess with the latter two though, because they contain all your built subs, bases, and items.
By the way the warp command to go to that batch is "batch 14 18 15". Batch numbers are always positive. The dashes are added to the filename for readability only.
顺便,传送到问题数据包包含的区域的指令是“batch 14 18 15”。后面的数字总是正整数,“batch-objects”文件中的‘-’只是问了可读性。
So as I said, thanks, we'll add this to our long list of issues to investigate, which you can find on our Trello board.
正如我说,非常感谢。我们将会把这个添加到我们的待解决问题列表,还有很多很多问题需要解决。你可以看到这些在我们的Trello board,链接: