[cp]前些日 我们团队接到一则东航Facebook的运营人员寄来的讯息,说看到我们做了
@胡歌 为东航拍摄的宣传片的双语字幕,觉得做得很棒,想发在东航的脸书官网上宣传 现在登出了 有脸书的朋友 可以去帮忙按赞或留言 冲高 #胡歌# 的人气哦
http://t.cn/R6jGlZpChina Eastern Airlines official page on Facebook published a video, the English subtitles of which were made by our team. We are proud to help Hu Ge increase his influence among his international fans. Please go to this page and click like or comment to show your love and support for our beloved Hu Ge.
http://t.cn/R6jGlZp“Life is a journey, from the dreams of childhood to the challenges of adult life. This is the theme of a beautiful short film interpreted by a famous Chinese actor Hu Ge.We are all pilots on the runway of life, each arrival is for a new departure.” #ChinaEastern#