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有人说fw190d有液压助力的副翼,可是我根本找不到资料啊,190A型的翅膀不能装油箱,但是D13r5有翼内油箱,所以我暂且认为190D能用两种翼型(就是Ta152C那种)。然而新型无论实际还是指标都没有要求要用液压副翼(到是有个液压landing flaps)。不知道所谓的190液压助力的说法是从哪里来的,还是像翼根进气口那样奇奇怪怪的实验品?

IP属地:广东1楼2017-03-03 17:07回复

    IP属地:四川2楼2017-03-03 18:26
      D就是普通frise副翼 不带任何助力 襟翼也不是液压是电动的

      IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-03-03 19:10
        Surely 'Yellow 10" W.Nr. 836017. Then USA 14/FE 118/T-2 118 to the Americans.
        This D-13 fuselage definitely contains a hydraulic aileron boost. This is documented by Art Williams during the restoration undertaken in Germany on behalf of Doug Champlin. There was a change to hydraulically operated flaps (certainly for the Ta 152) but the people who have seen the installation in the fuselage and correct wings of the D-13 believe that boosted ailerons were to be fitted.
        The claim of hydraulic boosted controls comes from a book by Jerremy Scutts called "Yellow 12?" which is about the restoration of a Fw 190D12?. Apparently after its transport from Europe to the US the Fw 190D12? had been incorrectly mated, or rather shoe horned to a Fw 190D9 wing. When the correct wing was installed the rebuilders noted that there were extra conduits in the D12? wing that were not in the D9 wing. They seemed to think these were from hydraulically boosted ailerons.

        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端4楼2017-03-03 19:14

          IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端5楼2017-03-03 19:17

            IP属地:广东6楼2017-03-03 19:26