结束之后,解说称郎导是the iron hammer,原来他们也知道知道铁郎头。
还说,the master and the brilliant analytics. Jenny langping,gold medal in 1984 as a player, and gold medal in 2016 as a coach, has doubled it.
中间第二局结束,是说,china, the young generation, inspired by Jenny langping, has .....(后面听不太清,意思就是扳回一局. )

还说,the master and the brilliant analytics. Jenny langping,gold medal in 1984 as a player, and gold medal in 2016 as a coach, has doubled it.
中间第二局结束,是说,china, the young generation, inspired by Jenny langping, has .....(后面听不太清,意思就是扳回一局. )