After that album Barlow was, more or less, kicked out of Dinosaur Jr., and went on to explore the nice guy archetype in depth, adding real pathos to the patheticness, struggling to be less passive aggressive, failing, then trying again, or as he said in Sebadoh's "Willing to Wait", "I'm willing to wait my turn to be with you/ But I still have a lot to learn about me." Though Rivers Cuomo introduced himself to world by describing, in detail, how a girl should act if she wants to date him and then threw himself an epic pity party when that didn't work out, and on the last truly great song he'll ever release, conceded, "I guess you're as real as me/ Maybe I can live with that," which, contextually, was pretty generous of him. Then there was a metric fuckton of backsliding from him later, but that's for a different essay.
在那之后,Barlow多少有点被Dinosaur Jr.开除的意味。然后,他独自深度挖掘了好男孩这一风格,悲伤到不能自已,然后试图不要太自暴自弃,然后失败了,然后接着试。就像他在Sebadoh的Willing to Wait里唱的那样:“我在等待机会和你在一起/但我现在还不了解我自己。”Rivers Cuomo在向全世界介绍自己时,描述了女孩应该如何表现出想跟他约会的样子;如果这还不奏效,就给他开个盛大的同情派对吧。在他发行的最后一首好歌里,他终于承认:“也许你就像我一样真实/也许我可以接受这一现实。”这句词联系上下文来看,相当大方了。然后他的事业线就直线下滑,这是另一个话题了。
*Rivers Cuomo是Weezer乐队主唱,最后一首好歌指Pinkerton中最后一首歌Butterfly。
在那之后,Barlow多少有点被Dinosaur Jr.开除的意味。然后,他独自深度挖掘了好男孩这一风格,悲伤到不能自已,然后试图不要太自暴自弃,然后失败了,然后接着试。就像他在Sebadoh的Willing to Wait里唱的那样:“我在等待机会和你在一起/但我现在还不了解我自己。”Rivers Cuomo在向全世界介绍自己时,描述了女孩应该如何表现出想跟他约会的样子;如果这还不奏效,就给他开个盛大的同情派对吧。在他发行的最后一首好歌里,他终于承认:“也许你就像我一样真实/也许我可以接受这一现实。”这句词联系上下文来看,相当大方了。然后他的事业线就直线下滑,这是另一个话题了。
*Rivers Cuomo是Weezer乐队主唱,最后一首好歌指Pinkerton中最后一首歌Butterfly。