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来自手机贴吧1楼2017-05-18 12:27回复
    only wish to discuss with you one possibility: Perhaps seeds of love are present in other places in the universe. We ought to encourage them to sprout and grow.
    "That's a goal worth taking risks for."
    Yes, we can take risks.
    "I have a dream that one day brilliant sunlight will illuminate the dark forest."
    The sun was setting. Now only its tip was exposed beyond the distant mountains, as if the mountaintop was inset with a dazzling gemstone. Like the grass, the child running in the distance was bathed in the golden sunset.
    The sun will set soon. Isn't your child afraid?
    "Of course she's not afraid. She knows that the sun will rise again tomorrow."

    来自手机贴吧2楼2017-05-18 12:27
      "Utterly, utterly brilliant. The ThreeBody Trilogy is nothing short of a masterpiece”--
      Lavie Tidhar
      Lavie Tidhar【以色列著名科幻作家、科幻文学理论家,2012年世界最佳幻想小说奖获得者。其理论代表作为《蒸汽朋克》,系统详尽地解析了这一流派科幻的历史、特征及深层意义。】

      来自手机贴吧4楼2017-05-18 12:34
        “Vivid, imaginative and rooted in cutting edge science, "The Three Body Problem” ponders several Big Questions of our time. Liu Cixin stands at the top tier of speculative fiction authors in any language. Ken Liu's smooth translation makes this a must-read for any who truly wish to explore bold, new perspectives."
        -David Brin
        David Brin【美国著名科幻作家、未来学者、空间科学博士、物理学家,NASA顾问,四次获得雨果奖,其作品擅长于将各种奇诡非凡的外星文明文化展现在读者面前。】

        来自手机贴吧5楼2017-05-18 12:36

          来自手机贴吧6楼2017-05-18 12:37
            The Three-body Problem Hits
            Do you like science fictions?Whether your answer is yes or no,I am sure you have heard about the famous novel The Three Body Problem whose Chinese name is San Ti Liu Cixin is the author of The Three Body Problem. He is called "the one who raises Chinese science fiction to the world level".
            The three body trilogy tells the story of the rise and fall of the earth civilization in the universe. The novel involving human history, physics, astronomy, social science and philosophy, deeply discusses the humanity from the perspective of science fiction. The novel has a huge structure and lofty conception, and is known as the most prominent contemporary science fiction in Chinese. It is a milestone in the Chinese science fiction literature, and will push China's science fiction to the world. At the end of 2014, the novel which was translated into English published in the United States, receiving a warm response. In 2015, it won the U.S. science fiction fantasy Association, nebula award and other five awards nominations. In August 23, the "three body" won the Hugo Award for the best novel awarded by the seventy-third world science fiction conference. This is the first time that an Asian win the Hugo prize.
            The Three Body Problem is a story about Ye Wenjie in the "Cultural Revolution" who exposed the coordinate of the earth to aliens on three bodies. At that time the aliens were in trouble. So they dispatched a large interstellar fleet to attack the earth. At this time, human beings have discovered that the universe is in the "dark forest" state, any civilization that exposed their position will soon be destroyed. With this discovery, human beings have threatened to release the position coordinates of the three bodies to the whole universe. This strategy makes the earth and the three body to establish a fragile strategic balance. But at last, the balance was eventually broken by the earth itself.
            The Three Body Problem can arouse our passion of the universe exploration and thinking of human fate and humanity. Let’s read this novel and enjoy its wonderfulness!

            7楼2017-05-18 12:46