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时间: 6月11日周日 晚八点到十点
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内容: “跟着Pt学写作”系列课之【独立写作】的第十四节,2选1题,领导类话题
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Do you agree or disagree with the followstatement: No one can learn to be aleader. You're either a born leader or you aren't.
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1楼2017-06-05 11:21回复
    People can learn to be a leader via manymethods
    1. learn from work
    1. from boss
    2. from colleague
    2. .learnfrom life
    2.families and friends
    Leadership,the objective everyone strives for, has been valued, and eventriggers discussion over natural leadership theory. In many people’s views, nobodycan learn to be a leader. Contrary to these people’s opinions is my perspectivethat people can be a leader after learning some related knowledge andexperience ,due to its contribution to obtain from theirroutine work and daily life.
    What must be prioritized is that people canunderstand how to become a leader at their daily work. Initially, they maylearn some related leading skills and experience from their boss when theyreport to the boss. Specifically, after communicating with the boss, people canunderstand how to manage and maintain a team and the essential abilities whatcould help people to become a good leader. Moreover, people also learn morefrom their colleagues during their daily work, which includes cooperation,communication, and encouragement. And all of this knowledge could assist peopleto understand how to be a good leader whom in employee’s mind. For instance,one of the regulations of Google,a worldwidecooperation, team managers should share their working experience with theirteam members on the weekly meeting, while team members also learn from eachother during the meeting. Staffs have a chance to study more and more knowledgethrough this activity, which may benefit to cultivate their leadership ability.
    What is equally worthy discussing is thatpeople have many opportunities to study how to be a good leader in theireveryday life. First, never should we ignore the fact that people can searchand study any knowledge what related to leadership on the internet due to therapid development of information technology in our society, To be morespecific, many online MBA courses have been released on the internet now,thus people get more opportunities to study leadership and management skills in their leisure time. Additionally, it is a greatmeans that discuss with families and friends about how to be a good leader,and afterward people will gain a lot. Take CEIBS,the best business school in China,as anexample. The school offers many on-line management courses to people who areinterested in being a good leader. And after on-line study,the school requires their students to submit a reform proposal ofmanagement system ,and encourage the students to try tofinish this assignment with their family and friends. Thus,these students not only learn knowledge from the internet, stillfrom their families and friends.
    In the conclusion,nomatter at their routine work or in daily life, people can learn many knowledgeand experience what help them to become a good leader.

    2楼2017-06-06 01:16
      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: No one can learn to be a leader. You’re either a born leader or you aren’t.
      2.a leader是一个需要后天学习以及经验积累的不是不能学习到的
      3.leader 是从多方面界定的不是天生的
      To be a leader, in many people’s vision, they all think this is a difficult thing, especially for those who have no background and not excellent in political field. So they think only a born leader exists in the world. However, leadership is a special position that people need to continue to learn a lot of knowledge and not only limited one ability that possessed when they born.
      Admittedly, some capability in the world actually possessed when we born like how to breathe, eat, cry. Even some people would have the potential characteristics to be a leader. But these things also can get from our study in the daily life. It is no accident that some people may have advantages than others and these things happened when they born. A leader never elected in babies. Although some people has disadvantages to be a leader, they can study then minimize their defects and express their virtue.
      In my opinion, how to be a leader can learn from our daily study and get more experience, not decided when we born. As soon as I set my brother as an example, he is a silence boy, and he never greet with other people even has no topic of conversations with others. He is only absorbed in his own world. Nowadays, he is an advanced manager in his company and he has many ideas to talk with his team members. He is not a born leader, but he can study from his daily life and change himself to be a good leader.
      Also, a leader means you should have not only some ability when you came to this world, a leader need many skills that only through your consistent studying and get more experience to solve various problems, these skills cannot get when you were a baby. A leader should control their professional knowledge better and they need to study how to be a good leader to manage their members. As the proverb saying that“ no one is destined to be a successful person.” For me, I think studying in our daily life is more important than something we have when we born. If a talent not study, they cannot succeed, not to mention an ordinary people.
      To sum up, I think everyone can learn to be a leader through studying in our daily life.

      3楼2017-06-10 23:42
        1.概述 领导不是天生的。
        Some people think being a leader is a work of nature because they tried to lead and failed. It may be true that leadership is the iron Throne that few could reach. But Ibelieve it’s an exaggeration to say if you are not a talent of leader, anyattempt trying to make one a leader would lead to fail anyway. Or even if it does, that only happens to those most passive, unspeaking lazy bones who arenot capable of tolerating the failure on once a minor communication.
        Granted, a leader owningthe ability of team building usually helps each individual in the team to perform at their very best and they take the initiative if they see their boss needs extra help instead of waiting to be asked. All in all, they performelegantly as if they are born to be a leader. Still, it can’t prove they are born to be one. Actually, most leaders are born by training.
        A leader bearslots of qualities that can’t be born with but learn by practice. For instance,a good leader always lead their team members on each part of their work anddecide the direction of team development and help subordinate to solvepractical problem------sometimes, it is even a mission impossible that theyhandle it like breeze. What we thought to be arduous was the same as what ourleader once encountered. They learn from the past mistakes and have the courageto make fresh ones. And they keep asking questions without being afraid ofbeing laughed. In this way, they get their chance to evolve by learning fromthe past and cultivate their ability to innovate new ways before find their path.
        “The mostdangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a geneticfactor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaderare made rather than born. “quotes Warren Bennis, who is widely regarded as apioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies. He himself spent timeas an adviser to four United State presidents to train their leadership, whichmake their leaders performs beautifully as innate. Demosthenes, a Greek statesmanand orator of ancient Athens, was considered a nature leader when he delivered hisspeech with living passion, soft tone and readiness, whereas few knows he oncesuffered from a speech impediment which may have been a stutter, an inability topronounce the ”r” sound. So, he designed a series of exercises for him to improvehis speech. And now we know he is not a born leader with good presentationskill but by practicing reciting speech with stone in his mouth.
        Overall, a leadershould not be born with loads of genius. There are too many skills to learn.While a man is naturally extroverted, he or she needs to cultivate abilities

        IP属地:北京4楼2017-06-11 11:00
          Do you agree or disagree with the followstatement: No one can learn to be a leader. You're either a born leader or you aren't.
          When we talk about leadership, the first thing come to our mind maybe some well-known people, like Roosevelt and Gandhi. A lot of people believe that they are born to be a leader. It is true that they are transformative figures, but I don't think that their leadership is gifted. I assert that the a leader can be cultivated. My reasons and examples are given below.
          For starters, a successful leader should be a good listener. There is a stereotype that the people who lead a group should manage to direct others and they are at the helm. However, if a leader just manage others and does not listen to other suggestions, his/her team workers would fail to work with each other and have no sense of belongings, because it does not make them feel important. Therefore, a good leader need to be an active listener. We have the ability to hear, but not every people can listen to others. That is, leaders should cultivate themselves to listen to others patiently, understand their points and be respectful of them. Moreover, leaders should learn to proactive their employees and let them run with their ideas.
          What's more, an important asset in leading teams is found in skillfully relating to people, which is not innate. Communication is an interactive process. The leaders should be able to express their own opinions and grab the keys from others' words. More importantly, during the process, they should have gestures and eye contact which indicate that they do not downplay the speaker's views. They also had better comprehend the expression and the tone of voice, and give an response appropriately. These kinds of abilities are not gifted, which should be learned from some courses and long-termed life experience.
          Admittedly, the leaders like Roosevelt and Gandhi can always grab the opportunities and make a great decision quickly, which enables them to become a transformative leader in the history. It is their brilliant achievements that make them like inborn leaders. However, it is the history that drives them to take up the position, and their abilities they acquired that enables them to succeed in being a leader.

          5楼2017-06-12 14:33
            提纲:1 现在有很多途径可以学习成为一个领导者,老师,上网,等等
            2 领导是学出来的, 就算是天生的领导者也需要学习知识,啥都不学就是个**
            With the fantastic development of current society, more and more peoplewant to be a leader, because of the leader is a representation of success. But some people argue that it is impossible for everyone to be a leader, because they are not born leaders. On the contrary, the others disagree with this statement,they think people not only have the right to be a leader, but also have various methods to learn how to become a leader. As far as I am concerned, I totally agree with the latter one, due to our contemporary society provides us plenty of media and technologies, which are the best recourses to study the leadership knowledge. What is more, a successful leader also needs to learn some necessary knowledge. My reasons and examples are given below.
            First of all, it is pretty convenient for us to search the leadership knowledge, because the resources which contain the leadership knowledge are sufficient in the current society. Forexample, We can read some books about how to become a leader in the library, orsearch some videos which are produced by the successful men. If you are studying MBA programs, the teachers also teach you some useful knowledge about how to manage the company, how to become a charming leader and so on. Knowledge,the crucial important part in our life, can easily be learned from anywhere, especially the leadership knowledge. In this studying atmosphere, even a man who is not aborn leader can find several ways to become a leader.
            In addition, a successful leader should learn amount of knowledge. No one can deny the fact that even if they are born leaders, if they know nothing, they will become trashes in the further. As we know, a successful leader should understand the psychology, the art of speech and the capability of the organization and so on, which are learned from working life or teachers or some other resources, not only from their mothers’ tummies. For example, if someone tells a boy: he will become the president of the United States in the future, in this situation, this boy knows his destiny, which leads him to become lazy and to learn nothing. Everyone will know the result of the boy: he will become a useless man instead of a president.
            To put it in a nutshell, I am a big fan of anold saying goes: the future is grasped by ourselves’ hands. If we have a target and making hard of chasing this goal, we will become whatever we want to be,even to be a leader. So as what was discussed above, it is not difficult to bea leader, because this society provides us plenty of resources and even if youare a born leader, you must pay more attention to learn the necessary knowledgeof the leadership.

            IP属地:美国6楼2017-06-13 00:37