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IP属地:安徽1楼2017-07-12 03:53回复

    IP属地:安徽4楼2017-07-12 09:54

      月球自转与不自转是一个简单的圆周运动问题, 历史上可能多次争论过,对月球自转与不自转产生分歧的根本原因,第一个原因,可能是对“假平动”的认识不清楚造成的,另一个原因,就是不清楚宇宙中物体不自转的标准到底是什么?
      The Moon No Rotation
      The moon with rotation or without rotation is a simplequestion of circular motion. It is probably debated for many times in thehistory. There are two root causes for this debate. The first one may be thatthe understanding of "false translation" is not clear. The other oneis that the standard of objects with no rotation in the universe is unknown.
      Translational motion is the movement of object in a straightline. The route of each point in the object is parallel and object will nothave a rotation. From the kinetic point of view, translation motion is thatthere is no force act on the object or the force direction and the movedirection are in a straight line.
      What is the false translation motion? There is a goodpractical example, which finally solved the false translation the truth of thefalse translation.
      The motion of observation cab in ferris wheel is a falsetranslation motion. However, in mechanics of rigid bodies, this motion isconsidered as a true translation motion and translation motion can happen incurve line. According to the logic of mechanics of rigid bodies, the motion of abowl of water, which moves up and down at the same time along the horizontaldirection (fluctuation), is also called translation motion. The route of eachpoint in the object with a false translation motion is not a straight line andintersects with each other. This false translation motion is contradictory withtranslation motion and it is incorrect. From the kinetic point of view, the forcedirection and the move direction of the false translation motion are not in a straightline. It is consisted of two simple motions.
      The observation cab orbits around the center of ferris wheel,at the same time, it has a synchronous reverse rotation around the above axle. Ifthe observation cab and the above axle are fixed, it can only have a revolutionbut not rotation. Like the building and basketball which is stationary on theground, they can only have a revolution around the Earth without rotation.Similarly, the moon orbits around the Earth without rotation. If the Earth didnot rotate, one side of the Earth will face the sun all the time and the otherside will opposite the sun, i.e., there is no concept of day and night in theEarth.
      There is no absolute translation motion in the universe butthere exists absolute revolution. Revolution and rotation are dynamic problems;their references cannot be chosen discretionarily. The rotation is onlyrelative to the spin axis and is not absolute. Not all celestial bodies orobjects have rotation. However, revolution is both absolute and relative and isrelative to orbiting center. This is the difference betweenheliocentric theory and geocentrictheory.
      There is no necessary inherent connection between revolutionand rotation. In the universe, even though there are countless celestialbodies, the synchronization of rotation and revolution is almost impossible. Itcan only be presented by man-made mechanical control.
      In the universe, there are two criteria of object which doesnot rotate. One is described in geometrical features: objects have one sidealways face the center of revolution and the other side always opposite thecenter of revolution. The other is described in physical characteristics: therotation torque and the angular momentum (angular velocity) of object are zero;the angular momentum of revolution (angular velocity) is not zero. The objectswithout rotation on the ground and in the heaven are all like the foregoingstatement. Translation motion is just a special case with an infinite large orbitradius in the criteria, or to say, an ideal state,we can not use this standardto determine the nature of the object, whether the rotation.
      In the process of moon revolution, there is only a phenomenonof swinging back and forth (The phenomena of physical libration and comet are mostobvious).There is no phenomenon of continuous rotation. The continuous rotationonly has a distinction of fast and slow rotation; it is impossible for physicallibration to happen. Also not all the celestial bodies rotate.
      图1 月球绕地球公转,图2 小球圆周运动,小球无法自转。
      图3 同步顺向自转,图4 只公转不自转,图5 同步逆向自转(假平动)。

      IP属地:安徽5楼2017-07-12 09:55