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My growth puzzle


1楼2017-08-04 00:44回复
    Recently,I lose sleep frequency and I am sorrow as I haven't finished my homeworks yet. Although today I finished my mathmatice homework.Recalling the heavy English homework which makes me unhappy because I must read the novel ''The Sorrows of Young Werther'' about 70,000 words for finishing the book report,there are many difficult words for me.
    I love English and Mathmatics.

    2楼2017-08-04 01:04
      Alas!The book have so much recondite words and grammer point,and I lost my interest slowly.
      the part of '' The Sorrows of Young Werther" :
      'Was not our intercourse a perpetual web of the first emotions of the keenest wit,the varieties of which,even in their very eccentricity,bore the stamp of genius."
      I think my head will explosive soon.

      3楼2017-08-04 16:02
        I thought a lot about my recent wakefulness,perhaps I am worried that I couldn't finish my English homework since the summer holiday will end soon,I acknowledge I am very lazy,why my heart is feeble,it can't avoid all around induces?
        I have copied the new vocabs which I almost use up my note papers heretofore,but I should write more,seeing that heretofore I only read 6.1 percents of the novel,I wonder how lond could I real the whole noval?
        Upon my bed have a maketing book,I want to read it.

        4楼2017-08-04 22:30
          I want to be an excellent person;
          I want to hear the clap from others.
          These are good reasons why I should hit the books!
          Whilst I like read romantic book in Chinese,but I know that I can't transform a leading role in book,my sort always was charmed by those inrealistic story world.
          Oh! I really a paradoxically guy,I like both vanity of reality and beauty of unreality,I haven't too much time to satisfy myself that two things,I must give up one of them,my dream is become an excellent person,I wil keep learning and try to give up those romantic book.
          I feel lonely all the time,my friends have their dreams,they leave me one by one,if you ask me which thing you keep it in your heart? Of cause,I will say nothing. Scuh a feeble heart that I have,I don't worry which thing will I lose.
          To work hard and enjoy everyday.

          5楼2017-08-05 02:19
            In fact,I am a night cat,today I want to sleep ealier for getting full energy next day.Previous I thought here is my paradise which makes me unworried as I can do a real myself,I have even spoken some unseemly words in WeChat friendship thus I forfeited a friend,I am regret and don't want to play WeChat friendship,from that accident, I clear that I should keep a distense with others in reality.
            I love here because I want to share my live to others.
            To tell you a good news,I have read about 10.2 percents of the novel,I think main character is really an innocence boy,he dislikes mankind working crazy,I disgree with him,no working how to get a better live?

            7楼2017-08-06 19:41
              Today,I have read the novel and reviewed some geograpy knowledges,I think I might be a quick learner,I remember and understanding them quickly,but I can't still control myself the hobit of seeking entertainments so I had read a lot of comic.Now,I tend to finish this diary then I go to sleep.
              My English is poor,do you find me that I always uses the simple grammer?
              Recently,I haven't recite new words ,as I am engaging in reading the novel,I have read about 13 percents of the novel.I will spend some time to recite at least 60 words the next day.
              Today,I took a walk with my father and brother,I felt a litle bit thirsty,my father bought me a bubble tea,but I became thirstier after I drank the tea,do you know that bubble tea has become a fashion tend of teenagers?I know the mistery why they are very popular.
              I want to share my views about it.
              First,it has a plastic cover on the plastic cup,it really like a game which I had played it in my childhood,(Sorry,I don't know the game name and I can't search the name from internet.),the game is that you can't give 1$ to a store boss then he allows you to use a figner to scratch a paper box,inside the box is a toy,.....(next day)
              I know I can go on,but I want to sleep first.

              8楼2017-08-07 23:13
                Alas,wirting diary every day is a difficult thing to me as I am very lazy.
                The game is that you can give 1$ to a store boss then he allows you to use a figner to scratch a paper box,inside the box is a toy,before you scratch,you must be feeling curious,happy,excited for knowing the mistery of the little box,(the next morning ,please forget me! I really want to sleep)
                Today I spent a lot of time in geography,I have read the geography book 20 pages and some comic too.When I ate my supper,my mother regarded me unfriendly,might be I closed with my father recently so she unhappy.
                I am going to a libary to review something,I choose it as there I can't read comic.Good night.

                9楼2017-08-08 23:18
                  Good morning!

                  10楼2017-08-09 10:41
                    The game is that you can give 1$ to a store boss then he allows you to use a figner to scratch a paper box,inside the box is a toy,before you scratch it,you must be feeling curious,happy,excited for knowing the mistery of the little box," bom !" ,you can pick up your toy, scratching those paper boxes will make you happier than pinching bubble bags,so the bubble tea are the same principle too that can make people relax and it is more useful than paper boxes and pinching bubble,these are why it so popular.In short,what I want to say is if you can think a product that can make people relax,whilst it is practical,you might win the heart of consumer.
                    Today I had read 16.5 percents of the novel,the boy has fallen in love,but I think it is his preview of death as I had read the novel summary,the boy lose his life because of love.
                    I reviewed mathmatics and geography.Reality,I don't know how to control my time.

                    11楼2017-08-09 21:57
                      Good morning

                      12楼2017-08-10 07:17
                        Who deleted my dairy?

                        15楼2017-08-10 23:00
                          TodayI have read 24.9 percents of the novel,I can't still touch the goal which I want to read over that book,and copied some Chinses confuse words once.
                          My heart is tired,my mother treated me coldly,she might envy as the relative of my father and I has become closely.

                          16楼2017-08-11 23:58
                            I had read the book' The Sorrow of Young Werther',I had set some task include writing dairy for improving my writing.I am so tired.

                            17楼2017-09-04 01:36

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