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讨论)关于Serious Sam 将来何去何从(2017-08-07目前steam置顶



IP属地:北京1楼2017-08-07 10:40回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2017-08-07 10:40
      警告:我目前不负责任何口胡的内容,如有错误,请在楼中楼提出并修正,Thank you。

      IP属地:北京3楼2017-08-07 10:42
        First I'd like to thank you for yourcontinued support and reports!
        After some thinking, we decided to take aslightly different method of communicating the update schedule of this game.From now on, we will be taking the following measures to keep everyone updatedand to keep the updates hopefully a lot more bug free.

        IP属地:北京4楼2017-08-07 10:43
          - From now on, between patches, either in thisthread, or another, there will be a list of planned changes and fixes that willbe coming in the upcoming patch. This way we can listen to feedback regards tothe upcoming changes and adjust if really necessary.

          IP属地:北京5楼2017-08-07 10:44
            We will be slowing the time between patches and making the closed beta test period longer. This latest patch already took a month (as there are only 3 of us working on it), and that will likely be the norm from now on. We will also take likely up to a week of closed beta time, so we can find every new code-related bug that was likely introduced to the engine thanks to Fusion using the same branch as SS4.

            IP属地:北京6楼2017-08-07 10:47
              - There will be Serious difficultyrebalances to problematic areas. Regards to 400% increased health, we werethinking about adding SS1-style ammopacks to problematic areas, might happen,might not; it would easily unbalance the regular unmodified difficulties, whichare of higher priority, so it's still in consideration. I do have to point outthat those who play with such custom difficulty are around 0.1% of all players,so the priority of balancing that setting is miniscule.

              IP属地:北京7楼2017-08-07 10:55
                - Will work on bettertelegraphing the Hard+ attacks; already got some ideas. There will be also afew changes to how and when the enemies will use them (not too close, etc.).
                - Lots of bugfixes, as usual. Some levelbased ones are already fixed. Today we identified an embarrassing oversightthat prevented the Russian voices to work, so that will be fixed too.

                IP属地:北京8楼2017-08-07 11:01
                  Some might have already heard it, but thisFusion project originally started, when Croteam CEO Roman Ribaric (one of themain designers of TFE, inventor of the character and name of Serious Sam, thebeheaded enemies and the voice of the kamikaze, among many other things) haveproposed a list of changes to Serious Sam 3 to make it "more similar tothe original games". This project was called the "Sam3 Remaster",and many of its changes already made it into the Fusion-version of Serious Sam3.
                  有些人已经听说过了,fusion项目已经开始了。当Croteam的CEO——Roman Ribaric(第一次出击的主要设计者,sam行头的设计者还有无头兵的设计者,当然^……………………无头自爆兵的声音也是他的)已经罗列出一个关于SS3的改动清单,这个改动清单名为“SS3重制版)有一些改动已经在Fusion中的SS3中体现出来了(比如一开始的火箭炮就是)

                  IP属地:北京9楼2017-08-07 11:06
                    With Fusion now covering all games, we werethinking about making changes to all of them, some smaller, some larger.
                    In general, we decided on three phases ofPost-Release Remasters, which will be worked on as soon as we conclude theregular versions as "stable enough".

                    IP属地:北京10楼2017-08-07 11:11
                      The three phases will all cover one (or twoin case of SSHD) game. The order of which of these phases will be covered firstis not yet set in stone, just as their planned features are yet to be set inthat stone as well. (So don't take it as promises.)

                      IP属地:北京11楼2017-08-07 11:13
                        The three phases are the following:
                        1. Legend of the Beast Redux
                        1.Legend of the beast 的重做
                        To be really honest here, I'm sure most ofyou didn't really like this DLC. It barely gave anything new, just three levelswith questionable design. It really wasn't that fun.
                        - The levels will receive a rebalance; thenew design will be comparable to Metropolis' difficulty and weapon loadout,considering that these levels take place after that one.
                        - There will be at least one new enemy typeand a new weapon.
                        - Other potential additions that are notyet set in stone.

                        IP属地:北京12楼2017-08-07 11:18

                          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端13楼2017-08-07 11:23
                            - Plot and Lore Remaster: Since SS1, the plotof the series have progressed quite a lot thanks to SS3, TLH and even SS4 andSS2R. Due to this, the plot of SSHD is full of inconsistencies. No other gameis more guilty of this than TSE, where the plot pretty much ignores everythingtold in TFE and is full of holes. Rewrites to Netricsa entries will happen, andlikely there will be also some extra added to the games, like collectible lore items.

                            IP属地:北京14楼2017-08-07 11:35
                              - [Maybe] Cutscene Remaster: With TSEgetting an updated story, with that will come a few new cutscenes (and anedited intro; don't worry, the original will be still kept as part of DemoPalenque). We are also looking into re-recording the most important TFEcutscenes so they can be played in Multiplayer as well. (Though this processwill take some time, hence the "maybe").
                              - Misc. Remaster: Do you member thosemaps from the loading screens of SS1? We member.

                              IP属地:北京15楼2017-08-07 11:42